Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 30, 2014

Home Keeping: Finished Projects

Monday saw the start of two projects here at our cottage.  The first one was I began painting Kyle's desk, and that lead to Emma wanted her bookcase painted too.  The second project that started was a trip to Delaware to the Sears Outlet Store to find a new stove.

As I have said here before, we installed propane to the house when we moved in and have been replacing appliances and systems from electric to propane ever since.  We did away with the electric baseboard heat, and put in A/C and new heat system, changed two electric hot water tanks out for a bigger, gas water tank, changed our electric clothes dryer for a gas dryer, and now we have said 'good-bye' to our faithful electric range.  It was dying of old age.  Only two burners worked on it, and they were the small ones.  The oven door wouldn't close all the time.  It was time to switch to a gas range.  You can read about that here.

This week has been all about trying to get these projects done.  My painting projects were helped by several days of rain.  I got those finished!

 Kyle's desk back in place.  I need to find a knob for the drawer!

 Now onto Emma's bookcase!

 Here it is finished and back in her room.

 We are loving this color Florence by Annie Sloan!

And here is my new darling!  Tim finished its' installation last night at 7:00pm and we celebrated with Chinese takeout!  We did enjoy turning the knobs and watching it the burners light!  Yeah, we are wild and crazy like that.  It's the simple things, people.

Contented sigh……


Vee said...

Be sure to document your first baking project in the new range! I think you'll enjoy using a gas range over an electric one and not just because it works! Lovely painting projects. Florence is a pretty color!

Cheryl said...

Oh, it makes me happy to see your new stove nestled into its spot! And Kyle's desk and Emma's bookcase are such a happy color! Yes, this is definitely a happy post!! :D

P.S. Love Emma's coffee sign!

podso said...

I do like the color you are painting with! And the new stove, sigh, it looks so good! Imagine all you will cook with five burners vs two small ones! Have a good weekend and happy cooking!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

That stove is gorgeous! The desk and bookcase turned out so pretty - that is a lovely color. I've only used AS a few times.

Theresa said...

Oh I love that color! The bookcase and desk are gorgeous! OH MY what a nice new stove! I bet you will be cooking up something yummy today! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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