Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania.  We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening all the state museums for free.

We chose to go to Landis Valley Museum again.  It's a lovely place set for the late 1800's - early 1900's period.

They have wonderful volunteers who participate, showing how different things were done or made during this period of history.

There is a gun smith, and a cook using a colonial style fireplace (be still my heart!), there is a lace maker - 

Here is a sample of her work
So, so amazing that this was all done by hand!

There was also a woman showing us how they made line-n from flax.  Then she showed us how they made the 'line' into thread that then was woven into fabric.

She said it took about 65 hours of work to make one shirt.  Unbelievable.

These lovely ladies were there...

So was my sweetheart!  I love this photo of him - do you love his purse?  Ha ha!  Emma put Rachel's crossbody bag on him like a fannypack!  Too funny!

Little did we know that 12 hours later Rachel's pony would be hit by a car.  This is a photo of the hood of our neighbors small suv.  

We are all doing well and Rachel is especially doing better.  The first few days were rough for her.

Thankful for grace, and for protection.  Our neighbor was not injured at all.  


Becky K. said...

Wow. So thankful that your neighbor suffered no injury. I've seen what deer can do to the people who hit them, let alone a pony. Thank you, Lord.

Your photos from Landis Valley are great. I love that place. So good to see so many smiles. I think Tim should give up the purse, though. lol

Melissa G said...

I'm glad Rachel's doing better.

Vee said...

The only thing that would have been worse would have been the unthinkable. Seeing that hood, I am praising God for his loving care for your neighbor. I know that you are all so thankful for that part of the story. Still saying a prayer for Rachel and everyone.

Theresa said...

So much to be thankful for on this glorious morning! I am still praying for all of you and I am VERY thankful your neighbor wasn't hurt! Looks like you all had a wonderful time AND for free:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

podso said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's pony. How hard for her and you all, and your neighbor.

Interesting post -- I love visiting such places where we can see and learn about how life used to be. It must have been a spring like day as you all look like you are in shirt sleeves. I remember my father taking us to see Pennsbury (?) the home of William Penn.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Sorry to hear about your daughter's pony!

Looks like an interesting place to visit! 65 hours for a shirt - you can see why people didn't have a lot of clothes back then and took care of what they had!

Cheryl said...

The very thought of making lace on that tool is making my eyes go buggy!! Living history places are wonderful...looks like you made a great choice for your visit.

But on a more serious note, the picture of that SUV is sobering. Praise the Lord for His protection.

Beth said...

I'm catching up on your blog...I am so sorry about the pony! I lost a pony and her colt when I was just a little girl and it was so sad. The pony was kicked by one of our other horses and the colt died of tetanus.
I am so happy though, that your neighbor was ok. I recently hit a deer with my car so I know how bad it can be.
Give Rachel a big hug from this stranger please, and let her know that I asked God to give her some more comfort today.

Sue said...

Rachel has been in my thoughts and prayers, I wanted to stop by and see how she is doing, thank you for the update!

What a lovely place to visit, it looks like you are having nice weather too!
Enjoy your weekend.

Information Friday

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