Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 18, 2013

I Have A Bit Of Time This Morning...

to myself and I am enjoying it.

Lindsay is with my parents on day trip and lunch out, Emma took the younger three to meet up with Tim after work this morning to do some yard work for an elderly woman he met.  She had placed an add in the local paper about free fire wood - she'd had a tree taken down and now needed someone to come remove it.  Tim is always on the look out for firewood - we heat with it some, and he provides it for my parents too.  He mentioned to me that this lady could use some work done in her yard, he spoke with her, she gladly said yes, and he and the crew are on the job!  He likes providing opportunities for the kids to learn to serve others joyfully!

I am home with Kamryn, and she is still asleep.  Using these quiet moments to ponder and write.  Kayleigh is managing a store now and that is keeping her hopping.  We are proud of how hard she is working and that she is learning and growing a lot.

I recently found my self caught up inadvertently in some drama, and that made me realize that we have a refreshing lack of that around here most days!  We are busy, working, serving, opening our home, discipling others, and for the most part try not to get caught up in that kind of thing.  We are not a family big on competing with other families or other people for attention or for some recognition.  We know we are sinners saved by grace and we try to walk in grace with others and as a family.  We are not perfect, by any means, and are thankful for God's mercies which are new every morning!
 I've been reading Elisabeth Elliot's book "The Shaping of a Christian Family."  It is not a 'how to' book, it is the story of her family and the choices they made (her grandparents, and her parents) and how that shaped the family that they had.  I like that it is simple really, though not easy.  You want a home where Christ is central?  Then make him central in all that you do.

I need to get busy with my morning, dishes are done and drying on the counter.  I need to get out our science book and pick a new book for reading aloud.  

I just had a call from Tim, they have finished their yard work.   He said that the woman was appreciative.  I appreciate his heart to serve others, and that he teaches the kids by example.  

My heart is full of thankfulness this morning. 

Philippians 1:6 - being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ

ps- the Peonies and Roses are from my garden last year.  Come on Spring! 


Becky K. said...

So glad you are getting some time to relax!
The photos in this post are so pretty.
Tim is such a hard worker and blesses many people with his gifts.

Vee said...

In my mind's eye, I see your happy crew at work helping in the woman's yard. So cool and such a fine example of Christian charity. Yes, simple, but not easy. One thing is certain around here, spring may arrive this week, but it will be in name only.

Rebecca said...

Don't you ♥ time to reflect? (I'm enjoying the same thing this morning. Since the weather where I am is discouraging OUTside exploration, I'm thankful for my laptop and that I've brought along my Bible, journal and a book to read until my husband's meeting is over...

Cheryl said...

A little time to yourself (and in your own house!) is a rare treat, isn't it? A great start to your week!
I'll bet things are hopping again by now...but it's all good! (We wouldn't have it any other way.)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I SO dislike drama.

There was so much of it in the homeschool communities around here so we stayed out-of-the-loop as much as possible. :)

Theresa said...

Quiet and peaceful times are precious:) Sounds like you enjoyed it! Love the flowers and they will be blooming again soon! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Debbie said...

"You want a home where Christ is central? Then make him central in all that you do."

You said it all in these two lines.

I've never read E.E's book, but I would like to. She is such a role model and inspiration for me.

Information Friday

  My youngest and I took a quick pick in the hallway tonight! He's a lot taller than me, so it is hard for us to get a good photo, thoug...