Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Gift From A Friend

A few weeks ago my friend visited Williamsburg.  My favorite place!  Emma went along with her to help with her children, as this friends' husband is a resident at Johns Hopkins and he was unable to make the trip with her and the children.

She brought me back a gift (though Emma coming home was gift enough!) of pottery.

I love it!

 It's a great read on white/cream pattern.

 I love the wee tea pot!

 The sugar bowl

and creamer are perfect for using with any of my tea sets!  I love the little bird on the pieces also.

It is happily residing on my living room book case, where my friends said to me today "It is perfect there!"  I heartily agree!

Thank you Amy!

I also wanted to say that in my post about mentoring and encouragement that I find such wonderful encouragement in reading your blogs and your comments here to me.  It has been such a blessing to get to know you, in fact my best blogging friends are all from different states!

I am thankful for you!


Cheryl said...

Oh, these pieces are gorgeous...and even better that they come from a friend!

Becky K. said...

Those are perfect! I'd say Amy knows you pretty well. :-)

jean said...

Very pretty set. I love the colors. Would love to visit Williamsburg someday. I love the history.

Vee said...

A darling gift! I simply love it! What sweet friends.

Karen Andreola said...

If I proclaim the gift giver has good taste does this mean that I have it, too? This china is folksy and feminine. I like its early American homespun charm. Thanks for giving us a close look.
Karen A.

Anonymous said...

Oh what beautiful pieces! Isn't such fun and a blessing to receive such beautiful things for our homes? :)

Theresa said...

Soooo pretty and I am happy to know you too:) Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

Debbie said...

First of all, I will say that Williamsburg is a very favorite place of mine too. We've been several times, but my favorite visit was during the Christmas season. Loved it.

The pieces are really lovely to me and something that I would love to have here. I had a random notion last week that I would love to collect more creamers and sugar bowls. I don't NEED them, but I am so fond of them.

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