Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tie Dye

Around here we knit and sew but I don't consider us crafters.

Yesterday though, Lindsay and Emma had a friend over during the big (non existent for us) snow storm, and they did tie dye.

 They rinsed out their t-shirts last night.

 This is Lindsay's...

This is Emma's.  

They had so much fun, and also did pillowcases.

Why don't we do these things more often?  I think the younger set would love to do this kind of project.  It can be counted for art as well.

I have a meeting this morning and then we are going out to dinner for Emma's birthday, which is actually tomorrow.

Tomorrow is big doings.

Ta-ta for now!


Melissa G said...

The shirts look great! Tie Dye pillow cases are a good idea too.

Theresa said...

Love all of those bright colors:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Very pretty! You're the fifth or sixth one to mention the lack of storm...good! That's what I love to hear...then I may hope that it'll be the same in our corner.

no spring chicken said...

Wow! That is the most successful tie dye I've seen... did it once and it wasn't near that vibrant. I always have so many craft ideas swimming in my head that it almost paralyzes me. Have fun!

Happy Birthday Emma!!

Blessings, Debbie

Lorrie said...

Pretty and bright - just the thing for this time of year.

Ginny said...

Tie dye . . . that takes me back to grade school! And no, I won't tell you how long ago that was. Crafting is fun!

Debbie said...

I remember the first time my daughters did something with tie dying when they were growing up. They were so excited to see the patterns revealed. That's the best part of the project - the surprise.

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