Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Noah - A Must See Show

Noah is back at Sight and Sound for one year only, and we got to see the employee opening last night.  

I have seen this show many times before, the last being just a few years ago in Branson, but it has been updated and is now running neck and neck for my favorite show!

The staging is well done, the acting not OVER done (if you know what I mean), and the production values - lighting, costumes, use of color, etc, was wonderful.

The scene where the family is in the ark, and their loved ones who previously rejected the truth are begging to be let very moving.

There are many parallel's to our world today, it's sobering, and a good reminder to keep looking to the Lord rather than the approval of men.

If you get the chance, please see this show!  You'll love it, your children/grandchildren will love it and it could be life changing!



Vee said...

I get overcome just listening to Keith Green sing about the door closing. Ackkk...

So glad that this will be another wonderful year of theater with a message.

Theresa said...

I would LOVE to see that show! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

I've only been to one Sight and Sound show (Daniel) and it was AWESOME! This one sounds wonderful too.

It is such a huge blessing that there is entertainment like this to bless us. :)

Cheryl said...

I can just imagine the poignancy of that scene. Oh my.

We'd LOVE to see Noah, that's for sure!

Information Friday

  My youngest and I took a quick pick in the hallway tonight! He's a lot taller than me, so it is hard for us to get a good photo, thoug...