Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sweet Dreams

 Tim and I went on a date - the first one we've had since we were away for our anniversary.  We went to dinner at a nice restaurant and then met Emma at Panera for coffee/tea and a treat.  It is so nice to enjoy the man your married to.  We are far from perfect, but we are good forgivers.

We have 3 ladies having babies at church soon, so since they all know they are having boys, I decided to make them something.  

These are quilt squares to be made into a rag quilt.  This is denim from pants the girls had and flannel baby boy material.  It's going to be so cute!

We've gotten some cute market baskets in for the store!  These things are great and so practical.

Well, I have a huge day ahead of me and  I must sleep now!

Sweet Dreams!


Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

It is nice to get out on a date!

We are going to go to Leavenworth and spend a couple of days soon, I cannot wait to get away!! :-)

Cheryl said...

One of the benefits of staying up too late every night? I get to read one of your posts "hot off the presses"! :D

Gotta love date night! And enjoying being with your honey!

Please show us these quilts when you have finished them. The fabric is darling.

(Good night.) :D

Theresa said...

Awww, date nights are fun! The material is so cute:) Can't wait to see the finished product! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Becky K. said...

So glad you guys got to go out.

I can't wait to snuggle a baby. Surely with three there will be enough to go around, right? Ahhh....

Sue said...

Dates with our sweethearts are very special! I have found that being forgivers is one effective key to a happy marriage!
Your quilts are going to be much loved and enjoyed, cute cars and trucks, and is that a motorcycle I see, just what little boys like You are so thoughtful to make them too! Enjoy your day.

podso said...

What a great idea! love the fabric.

Vee said...

How nice to have time out together. Your friends are so blessed. You always do such neat things for the new little ones. I'm so very impressed.

Debbie said...

Hoping to have a nice date with mine soon to.

I love the flannel and denim for the quilt. That's going to be so cute.

And I love my market baskets. I have two of them, and I love to carry them when I shop. It has made a world of difference when I "run" into a store. No cart to be tempted and sidetracked to fill. Just me and my market basket.

Rebecca said...

Since our children are adults, we have a LOT of date nights! That's one of the blessings of the "empty nest"....Yours sounded very sweet and much appreciated.

I'll bet those quilts are going to be darling! How thoughtful of you.

Information Friday

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