Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Countdown To Spring Is On!

 Happy March!  I am so happy to see the month of February go, and March to arrive.  It has arrived very lamb like, so we'll see how the rest of the month goes.
 I am hopeful that my tulips will be just as beautiful this year as last year...though I doubt they will be blooming by Easter this year since it is so early.
If the weather is decent tomorrow I want to go out and do some pruning in my front garden.

 In this area where Lindsay weeded last spring, I'd like to put 12inch x 12inch or bigger pavers to form a sitting area where I can use an umbrella and a few chairs.  I love having outdoor rooms!

What are your dreams for Spring?


Vee said...

Oh yes! You need a lovely little spot for enjoying the garden and having some tea...iced or lemonade. All sweet dreams. I have been thinking about the little garden I made last summer that didn't go quite far enough. I'll remedy that once the snow goes.

Katieannsmama said...

I am sooo ready for spring! We are renting this home so I am hoping to plant container gardens as soon as it warms up! :)

Theresa said...

Spring is about to be here:) Love those beautiful tulips! Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

Becky K. said...

These tulips are a sight for sore eyes. I'm noticing signs of Spring in my flower ready!

A little sitting space would be so sweet out there.

Anonymous said...

Oh what pretty tulip pics! And the idea for your front garden sounds *lovely*.

Sadly we still have TONS of snow on the ground and won't be thinking spring for at least another month. :(

Cheryl said...

Ooooooo...a sitting area sounds lovely! For spring and fall, that is. (I rarely sit on my patio during the summer, with the exception of occasional Sunday afternoon ice cream parties...or the occasional break in the heat and humidity.)

Love, love your tulips!! Why don't I ever have the foresight to plant them? I adore tulips!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

There is freezing rain and snow in our forecast but just the fact it is MARCH makes me feel better!

no spring chicken said...

You can't imagine how jealous I am. Tulips already? And that beautiful bed! Weeded already? :) Can I borrow Lindsay?

Blessings, Debbie

Debbie said...

Oh how I love tulips!! They have to be one of the happiest flowers there are.

I'm ready for spring and literally do pray that I can finish up the inside project and step into the spring sunshine.

Hope the cold is better by the day!

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