Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm So Done With This Cold!

I've tried the traditional 'get some rest' method of getting over my cold.  I've sort of rested, with interruptions such as picking up someone from the store,  working on a compliance certification for the store, besides the regular Mom stuff.  

Oh, and in the spirit of honesty, on Monday I changed my sheets and rotated my mattress, which lead to me moving the bed to a new location in the room and moving the dresser, when I had said I  was going to rest.  Sometimes things just have to get done!

I am not a very good rester.  Good thing I was never put on bed rest!


I told Tim this morning I am DONE with this cold!  It may not be done with me, but I am so done with it!  

I am up, dressed, hair done, make up on, bed made, house cleaned, and we are hosting our young friends today while their Mom does the tourist thing with their out of state company!

Emma is making a PB and J picnic in the living room while they watch Larry Boy and The Bad Apple.  Gotta love Veggie Tales!

Some are playing Monopoly!

Lindsay and I are finishing our seed order!  Come on Spring!

I don't know if this method of recovery will help me, but I am done laying around.

What are you doing today?


Vee said...

Take it easy moved your bed and rearranged furniture? Wow. What am I doing? I'm done with winter decor so have put the most of it away, including the twinkle lights that have been out since autumn. I may regret that bit. A seed that's fun.

Rebecca said...

Met a "customer" who bought a cradle I'd listed on a facebook garage sale site; put some chicken thighs, spinach, and spaghetti sauce in the crockpot; selected music & did powerpoint for Sunday; enjoyed dinner with hubby; got a haircut; a stop at the library...and the day isn't done yet.

Take care and be well.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It's still icky and gloomy here but at least the precipitation has stopped for awhile.

So I headed off this afternoon for Goodwill (found two summer tops and a white teapot... a good day) and I stopped by Aldi's for a few items.

Like the trash bags I went to Kroger for yesterday and guess what I came home without? I like Aldi's better, anyway.

Theresa said...

I don't "DO SICK" too good either:) I like to stay busy! There are so many colds and flu virus going around, it is scary to come in contact with big crowds! Hope you feel better REALLY soon! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

You poor dear, I've heard this 'cold' thing can really linger. Hope that doesn't prove true with you. :)

Cheryl said...

Oh, Deanna! I am grinning from ear to ear thinking about your "rest" day when you rotated your mattress and moved around the furniture in your bedroom! Rest?! I can't wait to hear what you did today now that you're up and at 'em! :D

Debbie said...

I have done exactly what you did on occasion. I just gave up trying to rest and stared the "thing" down.

I hope your very active day today did for you what it usually does for me which is to lead to a good night's sleep that is very restorative.

Here's a tissue... I think I just heard you sneeze.

Melissa G said...

Looks like lots of fun going on at your house.
I hope you feel 100% again soon! It's no fun being sick!

Information Friday

  Two things that will change - 1. Move the grill, and 2. Find a spot for my lamppost. The firewood holder and the fire ring need a new spot...