Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February Note Card Party

A Haven for Vee

It's time, once again, to have a party!  Vee's lovely Note Card Party!

If you want to join in click on the button above!

This month my photos are all about two of my favorite things at Williamsburg - picket fences and the gardens. 

Thanks for stopping by!  I am off to see your photos!


Becky K. said...

Such a wonderful place.....
We walked through the garden but I didn't get any photos this time.

Donna said...

Love the photos. Be still my heart! I adore Williamsburg. Wish we could go every year! LOL, I'm going to see if I can talk Mr. Jim into a trip this year since we skipped the last one.

Cheryl said...

I love Williamsburg and I love picket I love your note cards! Let me know when they're for sale! :D

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh, I'd love to visit this place. Great note cards! Pamela

Lorrie said...

What a great garden. I love the cloches and the bee skep.

Carol said...

Nice photos! I would love to visit this historic place.


Terra said...

Picket fences and notecards, a great combination.

Susy said...

How blessed you are to have Williamsburg in your own "back yard".
We ate dinner the other night on the veranda of a restaurant, next to a white picket fence. I think it made the food taste better (**

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

There's just something about a white picket fence, must be the nostalgia attached to them.
Lovely note cards.

Jeanne said...

Love these photos, especially the clay pots.

Theresa said...

Love these pretty photos! I adore picket fences and that was one of the things I added when we built this house:) Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love your photos, I would definitely buy them if they were note cards, especially the first picket fence. They're all wonderful though. :)

Lynn said...

Very neat! I love the clay pots as garden cloches:@)

Kati said...

I love the pictures of the picket fences. Williamsburg is so pretty!

Vee said...

A unique set of wondeful note cards. They could be for sale in the gift shop at Williamsburg. (I've never been, but am supposing that it might be a little like Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts or King's Landing in New Brunswick.) Thanks for joining in for another fun month!

Shane Pollard said...

I love your note cards of Williamsburg - they would be so nice to send to friends.

If I ever travel to the US it's historical places like this I would like to see and the Smithsonian Institution - I have a very long list!

Shane ♥

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wonderful photos! I have Williamsburg on my bucket list, I've always wanted to visit this historical place. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Jodi-Marie said...

I love Williamsburg. These make me want to take a drive down there in the spring. (Before it gets too hot!)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Two of my favorite things...picket fences and gardening! I would love to visit Williamsburg.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comment.

Micupoftea said...

Hi Deanna!! You are a girl after my own heart! Williamsburg!? Yipee! We visited one December and loved it! Went to a Candlelight Concert after dark. I'd love to go back some day. I, too, love the fences,especially how some of them close with the ball. I also have an affection for the awesome dove cotes. Nice pics,

Snap said...

What fun! Love the pots. Adore Williamsburg.

Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours said...

I love everything about Williamsburg! Your first picket fence pic makes me smile.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your set of cards. I think fences are so neat...I'm always trying to find them at the beach to photograph!

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