Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Book Caddy

  Remember that gift card Tim re-gifted me with?  A trip to TJ Maxx and Marshall's happened in short order.  

I found this delightful caddy.  In the ongoing fight for control of clutter in our cottage I knew this would work well to hold bibles and books.
This keeps them from being stacked up precariously on a side table.
 It is white and has cute feet.

After a few days of teaching Kamryn to leave the books alone, it is working out very well.


Becky K. said...

Cute! At first I thought it was only as wide as the one side...but seeing it from the top I see that there is lots of room in it.

Vee said...

Is there not one in there for Kamryn? LOL It is cute!

podso said...

I like your caddy. Seems it could be quite versatile in what it is used for. A place for books is a good idea.

no spring chicken said...

I absolutely LOVE it! Two sided and chalkboarded and everything.. LOVE!

Blessings, Debbie

no spring chicken said...

Did my comment disappear or is it waiting for moderation? Oh, I hate it when I don't pay attention!! :)


Cheryl said...

What a great find! Cute and functional...and a sweet (re)gift from your sweetheart! :)

Debbie said...

Great idea and use for that. I love the look of those pieces no matter what the use.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

That is really cute, Stephanie would love it.

It is white and has a chalkboard, two of her favorite things.

Theresa said...

Love it! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS! said...

Oh how nice! I want one.

Sue said...

What a cute caddie, Deanna, I am always looking for thing to organize books and magazines. Tj Maxx and Marshall's are two of my favorite stores to shop.
Enjoyed reading some of your previous posts, I have always loved to read, but have found that in recent years I do't read as many books just blogs, ~smile~ and have plans to do something about that. I am a firm believer in encouraging children to develop a love of reading at an early age, it truly pays off. I too, had a child who didn't have a love of books at first, but I found a way to help him and that was finding books about things he was interested in. It just so happened he loved the Peanuts, and Family Circus comic strips, so I found these books.
Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your weekend.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, this is great! I just got a basket for my books! I like to stay organized, don't you?

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