Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 25, 2013


After finding out that one of the families, we were going to have fellowship with on Sunday, needed to drop their Bible College student off in Maryland not too far away from Gettysburg, I made the suggestion that we head over that way and spend sometime in the fresh air and let the kids explore.

We haven't been there for several years and one family had never been.  We've plans to go back sometime and maybe take a day or two.  There is so much to see and take in.  I find I feel very reverent at places like this.  There was so much loss of life here.

We headed to Little Round Top, as it takes an hour and a half to get there from where we live, and we were pushing dusk....

This is the view from the archway of that monument in the photo just before this one.  It's beautiful.  And hard to imagine the carnage.

This July 1-3 is the 150th anniversary of this war changing battle.  

Have you ever been to Gettysburg?  Do you know how to pronounce Gettysburg?  I have always pronounced it "Gettys-burg," but many here say "Gettis-burg."

We're funny that way.  People who are from Lancaster County pronounce Lancaster differently too.  They say "Lan'kister".  I grew up with a "Lan-caster" in my home state so I used to pronounce it that way, but the locals, which we are now one of after living here 18 1/2 years, say "Lan'kister."  So if you visit and don't want people to notice your a tourist, you might want to practice!

There is also this funny adding an 'L' thing to words like "draw" and "straw" and so they pronounce them "drawl" and "strawl."  But that is a whole other post!

I am in the store tomorrow, so I hope it doesn't "make down" or we won't have very many customers, don't ya know!


Lorrie said...

Language is such a fun thing to explore. Doesn't it make you wonder where all these things came from? Have a good day in the store.

jean said...

My husband and I lived in Lancaster for a few years. I remember visiting Gettysburg and being fascinated by the history. How long ago that seems anymore!

Vee said...

I have never visited Gettis burg, though I'd love to for the Joshua Chamberlain factor alone. Yes, I've read other accounts where visitors have felt awed as if walking on Holy Ground. Thanks for the tips! The big mistake non-natives make here is pronouncing Bangor incorrectly.

Cheryl said...

It's been a long time since we have been to Gettysburg. (I was pregnant with Kati! I guess that makes it 20 years ago! Time for a return visit...)

I love your notes on local dialect. They made me smile. :)

Debbie said...

I have never visited there, but I would love to. My parents went there way back when I was growing up. They brought us out to church camp in Pennsylvania and vacationed in the state until it was time to pick us up.

Gettysburg is definitely on my list of things to see some day.

Kristin said...

Brian's mom grew up in the area and she has always called it "Gettis-burg." We were there about a year-and-a-half ago. The scenery is breathtaking!

no spring chicken said...

I would definitely sound like a tourist in your neck of the woods.. I wouldn't say anything right! I would love to be able to visit our historic roots... never been further east than Texas, and that was when I was 10!!

Blessings, Debbie

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...