Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thank You

Thanks so much for making a difficult day easier by leaving me such lovely notes of comfort.

Rachel is sad.  Heartbroken.  She is doing okay, but if you think of her please continue to pray for her.

Yesterday was surreal is many ways.  How do you prepare for having to deal with such a thing?  It is all those many little crises that come up over the years, and learning to lean hard into the Lord for His direction and comfort.

We felt it yesterday.  The neighbor who hit Libby, was so distraught.  They love animals, and she and her husband were so gracious.  Then came the issue of what to do with Libby.  

Tim works with a gentleman whose nephew just happens to own a couple of farms and one of them adjoins our property.  He was instantly helpful and gracious, too.  He wouldn't hear of taking any  kind of payment, not even for fuel costs.  "We're neighbors," was what he told us.

Friends, we felt God's gentle care for us yesterday.

We had a funeral to go to yesterday as well.  Sad, hard things, yet God was with us in it all...and it really put things into their proper perspective.  The loss of a husband, dad and granddad verses the loss of a well loved pony.  Both were unexpected and hard but the real, true loss is the man.  Ponies can be replaced, but a man cannot.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne

of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help

in time of need.

 God is true and faithful!

Today we deal with insurance and all that stuff.  I love learning new things, but I could have skipped having to learn this, but I trust God that He knows just what we need.



Theresa said...

Blessings to you my friend, I will be praying! HUGS!

Vee said...

Oh you are so right. How odd that I would have been contemplating these things because of watching True Grit (which I do NOT recommend for your family just now). So glad that you have such fine neighbors and how wonderful that God can use this for good as you lean into Him. Praying for Rachel...

Anonymous said...

{{{Gentle Hug}}}

Debbie said...

I just read the previous post, and I am so very sad for you all. I know the neighbor feels just horrible, too. I'm sorry this happened.

Becky K. said...

This might be one of those days where if we were to see the footprints there would be but one set.
He carries us gently through the rough times.

Cheryl said...

I am so glad to know that you felt His comfort on that hard, hard day. Still praying for Rachel...


no spring chicken said...

I missed your last post and oh, I am so sorry. Please hug dear Rachel for me and tell me that friends yet unmet in Oregon are praying for her. Beautiful Father in Heaven, thank you for your deep love for Rachel and her family. Thank you for the comfort that you generously give to your children. Thank you that you have Rachel wrapped in your loving arms. I pray that this just brings everyone closer to you and to each other. Amen.

Blessings, Debbie

Information Friday

  My youngest and I took a quick pick in the hallway tonight! He's a lot taller than me, so it is hard for us to get a good photo, thoug...