Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 20, 2020

This Is Going To Be A Hard Week

This is the week, that we would be doing all the last things before Rachel and Weston's planned wedding date of April 25th.  We were all planned and prepared to have everything done a head of time, that could be done, and just have this week to enjoy friends and family coming into town.  Oh, and we'd be doing flowers at the end of this week.

We're feeling a lot of emotions, and as I told Rachel this morning, "It's okay to feel them."  

One bright thing is that it looks as if the date we've chosen for May will work, with things opening up, but it will still be a small wedding, and reception. We also will live stream the wedding so family and friends can celebrate with them, even if its at a distance.  We hadn't thought about live streaming it before, but since we are going to do it there is a silver lining, that means Tim's mom, my niece, and several others will now be able to watch them get married.  

Lemon Layer Cake with Fresh Berries | Free of gluten, dairy, and refined sugar

We will have a big reception for the original guest list in August at our venue.  The plan for now is that everyone will wear their wedding clothes to the August event: bride and groom, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girls and ring bearer.

Its so unprecedented.  It's very atypical, we're doing what we can to still get them married, and have a wedding celebration.  A family we know had a daughter marry the other day, and only the parents, preacher, and photographers were there. No siblings or other family or friends.

Sky Lanterns, or Chinese Lanterns, provide a special and unique element to your wedding reception. You and your wedding guests will gather outside to decorate the night sky with a beautiful stream of glowing lights. Plus, these sky lanterns are made with a premium, biodegradable design that comes fully assembled and ready to use!

I'm sure there will be tears this week.  I, who rarely remember if or what I dreamt, dreamed last night that all of the sudden we could have the wedding on the original date and at our venue.  We were all feeling like it was too short notice for guests now, and we'd still have to do it in May.  Sigh....

Know that we are trusting in God's goodness and in His sovereignty. But I believe its okay to grieve the plans that have had to be changed, and the timing of them getting to live as man and wife.  If you think of us this week, please pray for my darling girl, and Wes.  Their hearts are going to be hurting this week.


  1. A hard, hard week. Definitely it is okay to grieve the hard while trusting in God's goodness. I am crying as I read this. Yes, praying for Rachel and Wes. ♥

  2. Praying for ALL of you as you move your plans, it will be great when you have it and celebrations when it is safe! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  3. I'm so sorry all your plans are being disrupted, it doesn't seem fair. It sounds like you have made some great substitute plans and I know they will be special too. I am thrilled you're going to live stream it! Whoohoo!

  4. That must be very hard for you all.

  5. Yes, so disappointing to have all those plans set aside. And, yes, it is okay to feel those emotions. Glad that you are looking for the bright side of things like the live streaming that will allow so many to attend. It's going to make quite a story in the future.

  6. It is very sad that these pivotal moments of life cannot be celebrated in the same way that we are used to. The son of our friends is marrying next Sunday and they've invited everyone to a Drive by! We can line up along one street in town and wave banners or whatever, and honk when the couple drives by on their way to their photo session. It's different and memorable.
    I can understand your tears and mixed emotions. Life is so topsy turvy these days. Thanks be to God that He never changes.

  7. Such a disappointment, but it's good our loving God knows all about it. I saw a friend's daughter's wedding on FB last week, just as you described your friend, except her siblings that live at their house could be there. It was outdoors and quite lovely. I wonder if they thought of streaming. May you all be surprised by joy this week.

  8. I do feel the pain of this for your family. Not to be able to celebrate one's wedding in that special way with all the people you love. I hope and pray there will still be those tender sweet moments for your daughter and her new husband to take to their hearts and cherish. xox


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