Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Answering An Election Question

 Yesterday I had a question from Linnae that I felt was genuine and so I decided to try to answer her question her in a post, as she is a no reply commenter.

"I would really be interested to understand why you think Trump is the "lightness" when he has been sowing division and discord since he took office? He ignored the science behind Covid and now 230,000 Americans are dead. He has been questioning the validity of the election for months and continues to suggest he won't honor the results if he loses. Biden is not going to turn the country into a socialist haven, but he will bring decency and decorum back to the office of President and restore our standing on the world stage. Again, please help me understand!"

First of all when I say Light vs Darkness I am talking about spiritual warfare.  Trump is not a perfect person, and the only reason I voted for him in 2016 was to vote against HRC.  But over the last four years I have watched and listened and have learned some things about him.  The biggest thing I learned is that he decided to run for president because he saw how America was declining, and that average Americans were struggling.  

Over the years he has used twitter to bypass the media and call people out.  He is able to draw attention to things that the media (which are not bias but are now the communication branch for the left) would not cover. I don't mind that he's brash and a bit of a street fighter. 

He hasn't ignored the science around covid - if you follow the CDC website you see that they have quietly revised and revised their numbers.  Have you seen the latest stats?  The majority of people listed as Covid deaths died of other things while having covid.  Covid wasn't what they died from.  This virus is like flu, and is from the same family of viruses that cause the common cold.  So most people testing positive for Covid, likely have had the common cold (and who hasn't) or they've had their flu shot, or they actually have Covid and get better.  Even in the over age 70 bracket the recovery rate is 95%!  I've seen people with severe health issues recover well.

I live in a state that forced nursing homes to take Covid patients even though the nursing homes stated that they had No way to isolate the Covid patients from the general population. The majority of Covid deaths in our state are from nursing homes, and it didn't have to happen.

In fact our state Health Secretary, moved their own mother out of the nursing home she lived in (while no one else could even get in to see their parents) and put her in private care, after they and the Governor forced the nursing homes to take the Covid patients.

{There is a real virus but the global elites at Davos in January decided it was time to begin their global reset and this virus was a way to begin to take control of their people.}

Trump has been fiesty, because he has been fighting for his legitimate presidency since the Dems couldn't/wouldn't accept his election in 2016.  It has been unprecedented what they've done to him.  He has been questioning the validity of the election because of all of the voter fraud etc.  He's willing to accept it if it is a fair election.

However, the left are the ones setting up the scenario of Trump cheating when it has been Dems cheating.  The violence and rioting is only in Dem controlled cities. Why is this do you think?

Biden has been in politics for 47 years.  He authored the 1994 crime bill which has been bad for minorities, especially blacks, and then has the guts to tell black people that if they don't vote for him 'you ain't black!'  He has used vile racists terms his whole public career, used his position to get money from foreign governments, through high paying jobs for his son Hunter, who is drug addicted still.

Have you seen any of the verified (by the FBI and DOJ) emails from his computer?  You may not have because the MSM won't show you claiming they can't verify them, though the FBI and DOJ have verified them.

I also have to say that there is plenty of evidence that Joe is inappropriate with women and children.

Follow this link to see some public events where inappropriate things have happened. {here}

Joe will not restore our standing in the world, unless the world you want to belong to is part of a globalist 'reset'.  Research the UN's Agenda 21.  The ruling elite want to control every aspect of your life.

Trump is moving us away from all that and is why he has pulled us out of different treaties, and he wants to get us back to the gold standard and away from the central bank.  These banks around the world are run by a few families who make money off of wars etc.

Don't worry if some countries don't like Trump, he doesn't care because he is fighting for Americans.  Our own drug companies were charging us outrageous amounts of money for medicine while selling it cheaply in other countries, and DJT has stopped that, he's made countries have fair trade agreements with us, he's insisted that other countries in Nato (especially the wealthy ones) start paying for part of the cost rather than American taxpayers footing the bill for every nation.

There have been global elites that have run the world and I believe through blackmail (such as with the Bidens) they get what they want to achieve.  Ever wonder why HRC used an unprotected laptop for highly classified documents?  Ever wonder about why Anthony Weiner had a file on his laptop called insurance, that had hundred of thousands of emails from HRC, the Clinton Foundation and more on it?  

Have you ever wondered why high profile politicians never seen to have any repercussions when they break the law?  Does it scare you that you as an average citizen can't trust the people who are supposed to be protecting us?  Have you ever wondered why a very conservative judge became liberal after he was put on the Supreme Court?  Did you know there is a photo of Justice Roberts at Epstein's Island and his name is on the partial flight lists for Epstein's plane?

Celebrities, royalty, politicians anyone that could be corrupted and blackmailed was and they are used to promote a certain world view.

This is why so many people are for Trump - he wants to clean out the swamp, and give the government back to the people.  

I appreciate Linnae's genuinely wanting to know.  So many people believe the media because for years we were told they are unbiased, but its not true, and these days they don't even try to hide that fact.

Trump is going to win in landslide today, and yet they are already trying to cast doubt on that win that they know is coming.  They've been along to the Trump rallies.  They've seen the vehicle rallies, and boat rallies.  They know that the people are for Trump, and this scares them.

See, HRC was supposed to win in 2016.  They didn't even cover up the things they'd been doing, gun running, Benghazi, paying billions in blackmail to Iran, because she was going to win.  But she didn't.  The people chose a champion for the people, and right away the left attacked with one thing after another.

In fact, all the things they accused Trump of doing, they did.  It's true and you can look it up.  Of course you may need to use a search engine like Ecosia or Duck, Duck Go to find it.

There is more I could say but I'll stop for now.  Please feel free to join in the comments but I will delete them if they are not respectful.


16 blessings'mom said...

Amen to all of the above! I do love the name Linnae, it's very pretty. Anyway, watching CNN will do you in, keep you in fear. We need to have freedom to live our lives!

Jeanette Levellie said...

Good points, Deanna. I would vote for Trump simply because he is pro-life and pro-military and pro-police, but all your reasons put forth here are excellent.

HopefulOne said...

I couldn’t agree more! Thank you for your lovely blog. I follow it daily because of your warmth and hospitality. May God richly bless you!
From a long-time follower and first time commenter.

jackie said...



Beside a babbling brook... said...

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

Thank you, my Dear!!!!!!

I can not watch results, because my blood pressure would not let me. And I do fear, because I do not trust the Liberals. How could I, with so much, which you have pointed out?


✨ 💛 ✨ 💛 ✨

Anonymous said...

Terrific! Thanks for this wonderful and truthful and wise post.

Anonymous said...

And obviously we are in the same state, by your reference to our Health Secretary. And our governor never shut down his business, but categorized it as "essential", which is mind boggling.

Vee said...

Well said, Deanna. I hope that Linnae carefully considers your response to her question. Perhaps one has to be a certain age to remember all the harmful things that Mr. Biden has done in his long, long career.

Bonnie Schulte said...

I voted today for Trump...there is no other worthy of a vote, and I pray to God to watch over this GREAT man! MAGA

Bonnie Schulte said...

I voted today for Trump, as There is no person, at this time, other worthy, of a vote for this country. Trump has done more for America in 4 short years than any president before him. I pray God watches over this Great man. MAGA

Mrs.T said...

Wonderful, truthful post, Deanna! We voted for Trump as well. His pro-life stance and his promises kept would have been enough to make us vote for him, but of course there are many other good reasons, as you pointed out so clearly.

Sandi said...

We watched the election results on Telemundo last night. We don't speak Spanish. It allowed us to see the results without ridiculous political commentary. Ha ha! I went to bed early, woke up close to midnight expecting to see something and checked again in the morning. It's almost noon now. Have they announced anything?

Christine said...

Thank you for answering the questions so eloquently!
I stand side by side with you!❤️

Rachel and Family said...

Thank you!

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