Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, November 2, 2020

Welcome November And Election Talk

 On the last day of October, Kyle and I took Tim to the airport for his early flight to Florida to surprise her for her birthday.  Here he is with his mom and sisters.  She looks pretty good for 99 years old, doesn't she?

On the way back home, the full moon was in the west and it was stunning! (No photo because I was driving) By time we got home the sun was up and my trees were looking beautiful.

Sunday was rainy off and on, but there was still beauty to be seen.

Tim arrives home today, I'm going to look at the house my daughter and son in law are buying, and then I'm going to fill the gas tank on my van.

Tomorrow we will be at our polling place bright and early, so we can vote before Tim starts his work day.  I'm excited about the election and nervous too, as the rioters and those who support them are openly stating that they plan to take over government buildings and even the White House.  I know the White House is protected, but think of what they are saying! 

Don't believe the media when they tell you Bid*n is winning.  Look at all the supporters who are creating car rallies, and boat rallies.  A car rally in AZ yesterday was 96 miles long.  The media is trying to create a false narrative where JB is leading in the "polls" and when DJT wins (and he's going to win Big!) they'll say he cheated, etc.  I say someone say this yesterday 

They've set a narrative (Nancy P, HRC) that somehow the president will lose but not want to leave the White House and that they'll have to drag him out!  Remember, a president is still president until the next on is sworn in on January 20th.  Their personal items are moved out during the inauguration.  But I believe some on the left think that if the current president loses he must get out now!

Thanks media, and political liars.  Thanks failed education system.  

We used to pride ourselves on our nations peaceful transfer of power. Now the radical groups make our nation look like a third world nation.

Think through these things, and if you haven't voted yet, consider which side you want to be associated with.  This truly is good vs evil.  Light vs darkness.

I'm praying and I hope you are too!


Vee said...

It is so horrifically blatant that the vast majority see it very clearly and perhaps for the first time in their lives. Those who call for anarchy are insane. There can be no doubt about it. Perhaps even demon possessed. I don't say it lightly. Please feel free to delete this comment if it is too far across the line.

So glad that Tim was able to join his sisters in wishing his dear mother a happy birthday.

Happy Voting!

Terra said...

You are right, this truly is good vs evil, light vs darkness.

Linnae said...

I would really be interested to understand why you think Trump is the "lightness" when he has been sowing division and discord since he took office? He ignored the science behind Covid and now 230,000 Americans are dead. He has been questioning the validity of the election for months and continues to suggest he won't honor the results if he loses. Biden is not going to turn the country into a socialist haven, but he will bring decency and decorum back to the office of President and restore our standing on the world stage. Again, please help me understand!

Theresa said...

WOW 99 looks great on Tim's Mom. So happy he could be there to celebrate with her! I voted and proud of my choices! Enjoy this beautiful day dear friend, those trees are gorgeous!

A Joyful Cottage said...

99??? Wow! Amazing. Bless her heart! One can sure tell those folks are family. Strong family resemblance in each face. I love that! I voted for our president. I feel he has done an excellent job of leading our country. Do I agree with every tweet and such? No. But he has kept his promises, and that's rare in Washington DC. And, most important to me, is that he is pro-life. The most pro-life president we have ever had. I'm praying for a good outcome for our country, and leaning on Christ for my future. No man -- not Trump, not Biden nor any other person is our Savior. Only Jesus Christ our Lord can save us, and He puts people in places of authority. So, my friend, I'm trusting Him with the decision of who will lead us. Our allegiance must always be to Him and His kingdom first. And then all these other things will be added unto us. :) Hugs.

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