Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 29, 2023

Information Friday

 Here is what our cottage looked like last year in late autumn. This year we have only two sections of picket fencing up, and the ramp from the side door is going up to the front door.  We are mostly parking in the front yard, too. But soon. In about 6 weeks the construction should be done. Will everything be finished? No. Our portion of the house will still need siding, and new windows. But work has been slow. So we wait.

Now to the information for the week. 

This just in  - 

I'm not surprised. She never should have stayed in office the last several years. Especially with a Dem governor who would have appointed another Dem to her seat. Newsom says he will appoint a black woman to her seat. (she would have been up for reelection in 2024) I wonder if it will be Michelle Obama? Many think it will be. They own property in CA and can claim citizenship so she could serve as Senator. Some think she'll do this and then replace JB on the presidential ticket.

Newsom wants to run for president, but his record in California is abysmal, so I don't think he'd get the job. Another interesting thing is that Adam Schiff is running for DiFi's senate seat. So whoever replaces her until the 2024 election will be temporary or there'll be quite a fight among CA dems.

DiFi was very corrupt, had a Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years. 

From wikipedia - On July 27, 2018, reports surfaced that a Chinese staff member who worked for 20 years as Feinstein's personal driver, gofer and liaison to the Asian-American community was caught reporting to China's Ministry of State Security

You can read more {here} from CBS. 

Former FBI agent and KPIX 5 security analyst Jeff Harp said he was not surprised.

"Think about Diane Feinstein and what she had access to," said Harp. "One, she had access to the Chinese community here in San Francisco; great amount of political influence. Two, correct me if I'm wrong, Dianne Feinstein still has very close ties to the intelligence committees there in Washington, D.C."

Apparently, as has become all too common, Schiff was helping defense contractors, who supported his campaigns, to get contracts! 

I find it interesting how the left/uniparty accuse others of doing what they are actually doing!

This applies to Rino's too, which is why you have so many old people still working in the government.

This should be the scandal of the century. Two senior officials who worked in the Obama and Biden admins were part of an influence campaign for Iran.

Language warning...

A NY judge decided this without a trial or jury. He wants to break up Trump's business and then be able to give the assets to whoever he chose. (the judge could do this). It's being appealed of course, but the is the ridiculousness that DJT is dealing with.

The owner of properties don't determine the value. When you get a loan to buy a property, the lender sends out an appraiser and they give the property value. Then the lender decides if its inline with the market value for the property and decide if they will give the loan. The market value is always higher than the assessed value. Zillow said in 2019 that the assessed value was 30 million dollars. That is not market value. Mar a Lago has 20 acres of land!

This judge is allowing his personal hatred of Trump to interfere with this decision. It will not stand.

They know what they've done to Trump without any truth behind the claims. I believe however that when these deep state people are dealt with it will be with real crimes that they have done. 

This was clever!

I'm thankful for all those fighting to save America. The deep state want to bring us down. They want to take our rights away. They want us to yield to unelected globalists.

I love this video about the WHO done by an Australian senator.

This is a big win!

Remember last week that Poland announced they would no longer be funding or giving support to Ukraine? This week they also announced this.

They also said they were looking into the Ukrainian soldier from WWII who fought with the Nazi. Remember the one the Canadian Parliament stood and applauded when Zelensky was in the chamber? The incident that Trudeau won't apologize for but keeps turning the conversation to Russian disinformation?

Yeah they are looking to see about trying him for war crimes against Poland.

Poland is on a roll.

Speaking of Trudeau...

One thing the deep state has tried to do is to change the make up of countries. This UK official is speaking to the failure of multiculturalism.

Our economy is a disaster. It is failing, as all central bank systems eventually do. They will fight, even bring us to war, to hide its collapse, but I believe it must collapse and we must bring back a system of US dollars not central bank notes, and have them backed by gold.

Friends, I hope you are preparing the best you can for upcoming chaos and disorder. It's going to be scary, they'll even use nukes if they have too. Let's not live in fear. Let's trust God and live our lives to help others.

CS Lewis wrote an essay in 1948 about living with the threat of nuclear war.

In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. ‘How are we to live in an atomic age?’ I am tempted to reply: ‘Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat at night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.

In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented… It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.

What the atomic bomb has really done is to remind us forcibly of the sort of world we are living in and which, during the prosperous period before, we were beginning to forget. And this reminder is, so far as it goes, a good thing. We have been waked from a pretty dream, and now we can begin to talk about realities.

It is our business to live by our own law not by fears: to follow, in private or in public life, the law of love and temperance even when they seem to be suicidal, and not the law of competition and grab, even when they seem to be necessary to our own survival. For it is part of our spiritual law never to put survival first: not even the survival of our species. We must resolutely train ourselves to feel that the survival of Man on this Earth, much more of our own nation or culture or class, is not worth having unless it can be had by honorable and merciful means.

Nothing is more likely to destroy a species or a nation than a determination to survive at all costs. Those who care for something else more than civilization are the only people by whom civilization is at all likely to be preserved. Those who want Heaven most have served Earth best. Those who love man less than God do most for man.

I believe that God has us all here at this time in history for his purposes. I love this portion of Lewis' essay - 

If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds.

This applies to much more than just a nuclear threat. 

Peace my friends.

Have a lovely weekend.

Monday, September 25, 2023



It was a crazy weekend. Rain, Rain, Rain. My dad got transferred to rehab center on Friday. We didn't get to pick it and we are not pleased with it. They are understaffed. A nurse or aide dropped my dad helping him into his chair! "I've got you" but she didn't. My dad is unhurt and he likes the staff. "They are working so hard," dad says. 

There was no therapy done over the weekend, which is to be expected, but he's spent three days there already and nothing has been accomplished except the nurse dropping him.

Today, we'll be making some phone calls and see if we can get him moved. Health wise he's good, just needs to strengthen his body after being in bed so long.

My niece Kaitlin came down from New York, and visited my dad and stayed with my mom. It was so nice to see her.

 I worked on a knit hat for one of my grands, and I watched a movie.

Our friends Mike and his son Daniel (Tim and Kyle's besties) came over on Saturday, and Mike and Tim worked on adding some outdoor faucets that Tim wanted to add. They are larger capacity so they move a lot of water. Tim often has to take water totes with him, up to 500 gallons at times, for inspections. These faucets will help with the amount of time it takes to fill the totes.

Here are a few photos of the new kitchen.

This first photo is looking from my parents living room doorway into the kitchen. The farmhouse sink will be under the windows, and the dishwasher on the left side of the sink, with a cabinet of drawers next to it. The upper will be a glass doors.

On the right side of the sink will be a drawer then cupboard with shelves that extend to the right for bigger items that we don't use a lot. The upper will be an open shelving cupboard that wraps around to the other window.

The stove will go between the windows, with a pot filler and a wood range hood. The counters will go to the window sills and the cabinets on either side will have pull out shelves. I'll also have a narrow cabinet for cookies sheets, cooling racks, and muffin tins on one side of the stove and on the other a pull out spice rack then another cupboard with pull out shelves. 

They framed up the opening between our current kitchen and the new one, but won't cut through until the dry wall is done at least. this is to keep the dust down in our side of the house. Where the pink insulation is was where my kitchen window was.

The drywall guy will be here this week. We need to order flooring, and the countertops. Mom needs to choose paint colors for her rooms. Our family will be doing the painting once the drywall is done!

The cabinets should be in by mid November, and our contractor says the addition will be done the week before Thanksgiving. Whew! Can't wait to cook in this new space!

Thank you all for your prayers for my dad. I could use some prayers for wisdom in helping my parents navigate this rehab situation. I must advocate for my dad today and want to do it with kindness but strength and firmness, too.

I hope your weekend was a good one, too!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Information Friday


I'm loving this cozy academia look in my secretary. Autumn is here and I'm enjoying every minute of it. Chilly mornings, warm afternoons, cool evenings.

This is incredible!

Zelensky didn't do too well at the UN. However, Biden will still give him money and weapons, so not to worry.

You can read all about the insult {here}. 

In a year and a half we've given Ukraine 76.8 billion dollars. We are borrowing that money from the fed and have to pay it back with interest. This is going to cost your great-great grandkids.

How many people know that Zelensky was an actor, singer dancer? He was pretty vulgar. He also played a character that was an actor who became the president of Ukraine on tv. Not long after that, they put him up for president and he was "elected." 

He's sitting on the upper left side in the video!

All lies will be revealed...

They are doing this to Tim Ballard right now, too. DJT has had this happen to him, so has Justice Kavanaugh. Turns out that those accusations were false. But they work to destroy peoples lives who don't follow the Deep State plan.

Those trying to use Climate Crisis would have you believe that your car is too much of a problem!

Trump parades are making a comeback!

Have a great weekend, friends. God is good!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...