Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 2, 2024

Prayer Request



Kyle suffered a work accident on Wednesday, and lost most of his thumb, and the ring finger and pinky are gone. The pointer finger and middle finger needed artery repair and tendons. We are praying they stay doing well!

This is a trauma for us all. God is with us. We are helping each other.

We've cried so many tears.

His brother cried in my arms and said "I'd gladly give up my fingers for him!"

We all look at how young he is, and how awful. But we do know that God will use this in all our lives for our good. The Lord brought Job to mind this morning, and Wednesday during his five hour surgery, God clearly reminded me that while it is a surprise to us, and a shock, it is not a surprise to HIM.

He is with us.

By God's grace, Kyle is handling it well. It will take time and be quite the challenge at times so we covet your prayers for him.

My Mama heart is crushed, and yet not destroyed. I'm seeing glimpses of beauty in the pain. 

Nate's heart for his brother.

Kamryn's love for Uncle Kyle. She drew him a picture of Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon. 

Four year old Kaidence "I love you Kyle."

A sister who went just to hang out with him at the hospital yesterday, and got to bring him home!

One day I might be able to go through a day without crying, but it won't be for a while. We are grieving this trauma, and I think it's good. We are all in this together as a family, and the family of God has been surrounding us with prayer.

Our church, my daughters' church, her inlaws' church, my parents' church, the list could go on.

We are being upheld and God is with us.

I'm grateful.

I think I may take some time off from here, but it depends on how I am feeling. If you're on Instagram you can follow me at @deannarabe. I'm pretty active on sharing in stories.


Kim said...

Oh Deanna, I'm so very sorry to hear this. How terrible. Of course I will pray and send good wishes your way for a quick recovery and strength for you all, especially Kyle, to move forward in the wake of such a terrible injury. Sending you a big mama hug, too, my friend. When they hurt, we hurt and worry 1000x over. I know you have strong faith though, and a large loving family to support and comfort, and it sounds like everyone is already raining love. ❤️ Keep us posted.

Mrs. E. said...

Praying for Kyle and all of you!!!!!!!!!! said...

Oh my. Yes, I will certainly be praying for him and your family.

Jan said...

I'm so sorry, Deanna! Praying for Kyle and for all of you!

Anonymous said...

I would have preferred sending this privately, but I’m not sure how. I’m so sorry this happened and I will be praying for Kyle and your family. I want to share with you, as a potential encouragement in the days to come, my dads story. in 1976, my father (also named Kyl, coincidentally) also suffered a work accident and lost his most of his thumb, all of his first, and middle fingers and half of his ring finger, on his dominant hand, leaving pretty much just his pinky. It was terrifying and traumatic as you know. They told him at the age of about 25 he would lose the use of most of his hand. He was a pipefitter by trade. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy recovery (I was just a baby) but he ended up having full use of his hand and being able to work as a pipefitter, and do anything anyone else could for his entire working life to now in retirement. I honestly don’t think it held him back in anyway. My mom learned to sew him special gloves. When he wanted to ride a four wheeler they had to adjust the throttle for him. Things like that. I do not want to diminish your pain right now in any way but I did want to share this story in the hopes it might be an encouragement in the future. Love and prayers to your family.

ellen b. said...

Oh dear ones, so sorry to read this. Praying for God's comfort and peace for all of you as you grieve this accident and what Kyle is going through.

Anonymous said...

God is good all the time and we know that in every pain he allows, he has purpose. Glad you are tightly to him and to each other. Many prayers for a quick recovery and healing of your hearts.

anne said...

OMG I am lifting your son and your whole family up in prayer as will my family. Hugs to all of you.

Mrs.T said...

Oh my, Deanna, we will certainly pray for Kyle and for all of you. Truly, we never know what a day may bring forth -- but, as God reminded you so clearly, this is no surprise to Him. He always brings something good and something glorifying to Him out of our trials. We'll be keeping you all in prayer in the days ahead.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Oh that’s terrible! I’m so sorry this happened to Kyle. Prayers for his recovery which I would imagine will take sometime. Prayers for the whole family because like you said, it’s a horrific trauma for all of you. Hugs and many blessings.

Lorrie said...

Oh Deanna, I am so sorry for Kyle, and for all of you. I will pray.

Anonymous said...

I texted you yesterday when I was not near my laptop . . . but I want to remind you that my mama-heart is aching with yours! Any one of us would take the pain of our children for ourselves rather than see them suffer. I can feel just a bit of that crushing weight that you are feeling and it is unimaginable.

Like you, I know that our loving Lord can, and will, bring much good out of this. Beauty from ashes. We can recognize that and thank Him for it 🙌🏻 , but still grieve the brokenness. You are still wounded.

And so I am continuing to pray for you and your broken heart, and for Kyle and his heart and his recovery, and for all of your people who are hurting.

With much love,

Deanna said...

I can’t tell you how appreciative we are of your sharing this with us!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for this traumatic life experience, just horrible. I try to remember our life's journey is not in our hands. I'll be praying for your son, and your entire family.

Donna said...

A great guy worked for us at our plumbing company as a Journeyman Plumber...The loss of half of his right arm never held him back...A wonderful man and plumber!
I'm praying for your well as you All. I can't imagine the feelings but I know God has a plan for him!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a fabulous comment and an encouraging read!
Deanna, praying for you all
Anne xx

Anonymous said...

Your family has been in my prayers.

Terra said...

I just read this post today after reading the surgery update. Kyle's brother's remark brought tears to my eyes and cheeks. What a beautiful love. Church families are so essential, I am glad you are surrounded by that love and support.

Theresa said...

I am SO sorry but SO thankful at the same time. Sweet thoughts that you shared from all who love Kyle! I will pray for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Deanna, I’m so sorry to read about your son’s accident. I know this has been so difficult for you all. Praying for continued healing. -Joni

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

I've come to this post weeks later, but I'll pray just as I hit publish. God bless you all. Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

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