Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 13, 2025

Some Thoughts For The New Year


I took this photo last night before I went to bed. We love the way our new windows look, and I love to see the reflection of our lamps in the windows.

We took the tree down on Saturday, but have left all of the garlands and lights. Its so pretty in the evenings. I'll miss it when its gone.

I wanted to show a few more photos of the house. We got our front light on now but it's not up yet in this photo.

This is the board and batten up close. I just noticed the siding on the right on the garaged is dirty from when they ripped our old siding off the front of the house.

The section with the board and batten is the original house. Before we bought the house a primary suite was added, that's the bumped out section on the left. Then a year ago my parents added the other addition, which includes their inlaw quarters. They are tucked behind the garage, and have beautiful views of the creek, barn, trees, and pasture. Our Amish neighbor is using our pasture for his sheep, and my mom loved seeing them out of her windows! 

A huge difference for us is the new front door. We wanted a window in it to bring in more light. We had a solid door before and that was a dark corner. Now light floods in even on cloudy days!
The photo was taken the day the door was installed.
This week, we had a prayer and fasting week with our church. You can fast in any way, so Tim and I decided to fast sugar. Overall it wasn't hard, and though I had a little sugar yesterday, I think I'm going to continue. If I want a dessert or treat it will have to be homemade with xylitol.

I am starting the new year with a renewed vision of how I can minister and be a light for Christ. I'm grateful to the Lord for allowing me to walk alongside people and encourage them in the Lord. 

There is so much heartache and disaster happening in our world, but I feel a change happening. People are seeing evil for what it is in ways they've never seen it. They also are ready to hear about God and what He has done for us all, and what He continues to do.

I want our home to continue to be a haven of welcome and rest for people. With it all updated, I trust the house will have many more years of sheltering, sharing, welcoming people.

To God be the Glory!

4 comments: said...

Yes, being a stable light for others is so needed right now. Just in our own little world we can be that person. Neighbors appreciate us for the friendliness. I'm trying to minister to a South American lady, she's been coming to our church and we use "a translations" app that helps us communicate with each other. We can even translate sermon/lesson notes from English to Spanish at no cost!! Sometimes technology is good.
I can imagine that you are so enjoying your new updates in your home.

Alex said...

I love the fact that you left your garlands up. I've been procrastinating taking down my Christmas decorations because it's always so sad to have them put away. The board and batten looks so good on the front of your home, I love it. Thanks so much for sharing!

Shug said...

Your windows look so very nice and I know you are still enjoying the lights in the evenings. I have a ladder that I have wrapped the tiny white lights around, and it stays up all year long...So many people in this world that need the Lord. Prayers for you as you go about being a light for Christ.

Cheryl said...

The older I get, the more I crave light, so I think having more light coming in your new front door would be a welcome change! I love your new windows too! I love the story of your house . . . its history, its changes . . . and how the story is still being told!

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