Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 27, 2025



This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellowship, and enjoying great tea and food. I took no photos apparently.

Saturday I made taco salad for dinner, and prepped for Sunday lunch. Tim helped me peel potatoes and then I chopped carrots and an onion. We put stew beef in the crockpot to cook overnight in some water, then added the potatoes, carrots, and onion in the morning. When we got home we added green beans and corn, and I thickened the broth a bit. It was the best beef stew I've ever made. I think it was because the stew beef cooked so long, and was very tender.

I caught our cat, Watson, sleeping with his head on the coffee table last night.

Tim bought me flowers this weekend. They are very pretty!

I grabbed a quick shot of the top of the piano, as it still has it's Christmas finery. Tomorrow, this will all be packed away until late November!
I've enjoyed it so much, but I am going away for five days at the end of the week and when I get back it will be February.
I'm also eager an ready to dust and reset the house for the rest of winter into spring.

We've had very cold temperatures from the polar vortex this past week or so, and today is going to be nearly 40 degrees! What a relief! Last week when I was out in the morning it was 10 degrees! So the 24 degrees right now is a welcome blessing!

You can see we still have snow on the ground. This is one of my bedroom windows.  Again, paint and caulking has been done bit by bit and the windows are nearly all done! I am eager to get curtains up again!

I mentioned going away for five days, and it's this little dude and his family we are going to visit.

They don't stay little very long, and he's already over a month old! Can't wait to hold him, and play with his big sisters and brothers! Fun times ahead.

It's so handy having adult kids living at home. They'll hold down the fort and feed the cat. My parents are coming with us and are very excited. This boy is their 15th great grandchild!

We miss getting to share life with them on a regular basis, but we trust God to help us keep our relationships with them strong and healthy. They are thriving, they live near our son in law's family who all adore our daughter, they are strong in their faith. Can't ask for more. That being said, I'm pretty excited about seeing them all!

There might be an Information Friday post if I can get it all done by Thursday night. 

ps - It's been a week of 47 being on the job and WOW! He's on a roll!  This is an important week for confirmation hearings and I think the dems will be especially hard on Tulsi and Bobby, being former Dems. It's going to be ugly for Bobby. Call or email, your Senators and tell them the American people voted overwhelmingly for Trump and we want his candidates for Cabinet positions approved! We're watching and paying attention!


Shug said...

Sounds like you did have an awesome weekend. Such beautiful flowers with such lovely colors. I so enjoy going to teas! they just have a way of making you feel special. The two lamps in the first photo are so very pretty and interesting. And your pot of stew sounds so good...especially when you have snow on the ground...Happy Monday....

Kim said...

Deanna, those red lamps are gorgeous! They caught my eye right away. Enjoy the visit with your family and that new baby. So sweet!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Boy it has been a whirlwind of a week, hasn't it? We haven't stopped smiling since. But you're right, Tulso and RFKJR will get picked apart. Prayers for them!

The flowers are pretty and always cheer up a house even if there is snow on the roof.

Theresa said...

Time flies, Christmas seems like yesterday! Beautiful flowers, so thoughtful of TIM! I know you will enjoy your time with family. We have 3 Grandchildren 4 hours away. We visit as often as we can and always take a week-long vacation with them. The internet helps a lot to keep in touch with pictures. Have a blessed day dear friend. 47 WOW... he is like the energizer bunny:) HUGS!

Cheryl said...

I'm so excited for you as you go to meet your new grandson! (I can relate to the anticipation of meeting grandchildren who live far away. It's hard to wait!) So nice to receive flowers from your sweetheart! Beef stew sounds delicious. I like winter cooking best.

Donna said...

15th Great Gran??? Oh Wow! Congratulations to your parents!!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...