Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes.... - Vincent Van Gogh -The Bible -Still Life

After dinner tonight, Tim was reading in the book of Acts which we have been studying for a while. We were talking about Paul and Silas who had been put in jail for casting out a spirit of divination from a slave girl. While singing and praising the Lord in the middle of the night - God sent a huge's a cool story you should check it out - Acts 16.

While Tim was reading Kyle leans over the table and says "Dad! I know who Jesus is!" Tim said "You do? Who is He Kyle?" To which Kyle replied "Jesus is the Word!"

You see, our advent calendar starts with that scripture - John 1:1 -" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God," and last night I asked the 3 youngest kids if they remembered what the first verse of our advent calendar says. They all said separately "John 1:1" and recited the verse from memory.

I was struck again by the importance of committing scripture - Truth - to memory and especially at such an early age. It stays with them forever! They have such fertile minds - what do we want to fill it up with? Current pop culture information or scripture - hiding God's Word in their hearts?

Kyle was so delighted tonight to tell his daddy what he knew about Jesus! What a precious moment...


Becky K. said...

Very excellent! If he was listening he heard it in Sunday School this week, as well.

I think he was listening!

Becky K.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

He did hear it because he made some comment about it, recognizing the verse. It is amazing to me how much they pay attention during the service and Sunday School.

sherry said...

How precious. Truly.

Oh that we would follow in the example of the children in memorizing scripture and looking upon the Lord in such a pure and simple fashion.

jAne * tickleberry farm

Anonymous said...

that is SO sweet!!!



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