Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 7, 2012

We've Been Grieving

We had to put Lindsay's dog, Samantha, downShe'd been a part of our family for 10 1/2 years since Lindsay was 10 years old.  Lindsay named her Samantha, but we always called her Sam.  My dad gave her her full name "Samantha Barksdale Rabe".

She was the perfect dog for our family - gentle and patient.  Little ones often used her as a pillow and she was perfectly content with that!  She had 11 puppies 5 years ago, and we kept one whom we named Sadie.

Sadie is a bit lost, looking for human attention more than ever!

Here are a few photos of Sam that I found on our blog...
I am sure I have better photos on my desktop downstairs but that thing is a dinosaur and I don't want to bother with it today.

 We're going to miss her.

 A big comfort to our hearts has been the addition of a kitten to our household.  Sarah has longed for a pet of her own, and this adorable kitty was available.  She has named him Watson, as in Sherlock Holmes side kick.  Sarah is a bit of a mystery lover.  The other night we watched a Miss Marple movie and she solved the mystery before anyone else!  She was quite proud of herself.
I'll try to get a better photo of Watson today.


Vee said...

Watson! A perfect name for a mysterious black kitty. Sarah looks soooo happy. She's making me smile. Perhaps Sarah will write a mystery that a reader cannot so easily solve. (The only thing I know about writing mysteries is to always point to the one who didn't do it and distract the reader completely.)

Sam does look like a love. Poor Sadie. I know that she's getting lots of loving these days.

Melissa G said...

Oh I'm so sorry about Samantha! From our visits I remember her as a really sweet and playful dog.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Aww, I'm sorry. Hugs to all of you!

Becky K. said...

Watson might be a bit hard to see but that photo of Sarah is great!!

Hard to imagine your home without Sam. Your guests will miss her too.

Cheryl said...

So very sad to lose a family friend! I continue to pray for Lindsay, and all of you. I didn't realize that Sam was a black Lab. Our beloved Buster (who Ryan received for his 10th birthday) was a black Lab too. They are such wonderful dogs!

Completely changing the subject... Bekah is a mystery fan too, particularly Agatha Christie! I suppose that's a result of being part of a family of older siblings? They might have had tons to talk about if we had known about this common interest before our meeting!

I know Sarah will love her new pal Watson!

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

Losing a pet is so hard, I hope your family finds peace in their other furry companions.

Theresa said...

OH so sorry about your loss! I don't have puppies or kittens in my home but I have two Grandpups:) They are truly members of the family!

Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Losing a beloved furry member of the family is SO hard!

I love Miss Marple! Recently PBS showed one of the latest Miss Marple shows (with the "new" actress) and I kept thinking she looked familiar.

I HAD to look it up online and was quite stunned to find out it was the same actress that was on Fresh Fields, which comes on our PBS channel Saturday nights.

In that old British show, she is probably in her 40s and now she is at least mid-60s (or older). But her eyes look the same and her voice is what sounded familiar!

Wow, tempus really does fugit on PBS, hehehe.

sherry said...

{{{. gentle hugs .}}}
i'm so sorry to learn of the passing of your precious pooch.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry.....

Karen said...

I'm so sorry! I read this a couple days ago and meant to comment but didn't click over from my google reader. I have prayed for your family when you came to mind, though. Losing a pet is such a hard thing! I know Sadie and Watson will help as you grieve.

Love the picture of Sarah! Just seeing Sarah's smiling face always makes me smile.

Debbie said...

I'm so sorry to read this. It seems that this exact situation keeps happening around me these days as several in my real life circle have had to do the same thing. It's so heartbreaking.

I love the new kitten in the fold, though. It's so cute that she named her Watson.

Home Keeping

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