Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Quiet Evening

We've had storms the last few nights, that have included quite a bit of thunder and lightning.  In an effort to have some light available in the case of our electricity potentially going out, and to make our house cozy I have been lighting the oil lamps.

When Lindsay walked into the room last night she mentioned that it made her feel as if it were winter...the house was cool with air conditioning...

I love a cozy evening at home, don't you? 

This evening the younger kids are at my Mom's for an sleepover, and I took Lindsay and Emma to the mall.  We rarely go there.  Lindsay however needed shoes and she is very particular.  She did finally find a pair that she liked.  

Then we headed home to a quiet cottage with rain coming down, cozy beds, darkness settled in.  The oil lamp is burning softly in my room - Tim gets home late from work, and it will help him to see when he gets home.

I need an evening like this once in a while...I am headed off to dreamland now.  Do you remember your dreams?  I rarely do.  Sometimes I remember just a snippet, and other times I remember a whole dream, but mostly nothing.  I go to sleep and then I wake up.  Boring.

I am rambling now, so I will bid you good night.

Sweet Dreams...


jean said...

I love lamps, much more than electrical lights. Your photo is lovely. So cozy and homey. I don't remember most of my dreams, either.

Vee said...

Sounds so nice...the lamplight and the quiet of an evening at home.

Yes, I often remember my dreams. Last night I dreamed that there was a huge pile of my laundry in the middle of the church aisle. I'm sure that means something. Ha!

Sue said...

I love lamp lights, I remember dreams occasionally! Sometimes I remember only parts of a dream and spend much time the next day trying to put it together. lol
Your evening sounded so relaxing, your daughter will always remember that cozy feeling she had, it will be a memory she will take with her when she leaves to go out on her own. It is always a blessing to read of how women take time to fill their homes with love.
Enjoy your weekend,
Sweet dreams,

Cheryl said...

Quiet evenings are my sanity! And a quiet evening with rain and oil lamps or candlelight...happy sigh. (I can even imagine that it is an autumn evening...especially when one of my daughters is wrapped in a throw. Silly girl.)

janice15 said...

Boy I'm not a fan of Thunder and lightening...if fact it scares me to death...but I love the rain...Mentioning oil lamps I really been wanting one and keep forgetting to look..I'm thinking my Mom has one or two...I do like quite evening peaceful ones...I hope you slept well...Have a great weekend with love Janice

Cheri' said...

I love oil lamps! Probably because they remind me of family times as a kid. We spent summers at my mom's childhood home without running water or electricity. So lamplight was the norm on those summer evenings. Lots of cozy memories with my siblings and parents.
My dreams varies....sometimes I know they are significant and then other times I don't recall them at all. Someone told me once to write them down if I woke up in the night after having one. So sometimes I do write them down.

Cheri' said...

I love oil lamps! Probably because they remind me of family times as a kid. We spent summers at my mom's childhood home without running water or electricity. So lamplight was the norm on those summer evenings. Lots of cozy memories with my siblings and parents.
My dreams varies....sometimes I know they are significant and then other times I don't recall them at all. Someone told me once to write them down if I woke up in the night after having one. So sometimes I do write them down.

Trish said...

Your oil lamps look very beautiful and create such a serene way to end the day!
Hope the storms are all gone for you now.
blessings..Trish xx

A Heart of Praise said...

I have been wanting to get some oil lamps to put on our fireplace mantle. My mom had some neat old ones when I was growing up. I love them!

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