Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let's Chat

Pull up a chair, grab a cup of tea or coffee, if you prefer and let's settle in for a bit of a chat.  Doesn't that sound nice?

I have lots rolling around this brain of mine and I love talking with you and hearing what you are up to as well.

Emma and I got up early and headed about an hour away to shop at a wholesale place.  We needed some display pieces, so we don't have to strip the store when we have an event.  We found some nice ones, and also some nice jewelry.  They even had the cute children's bracelets back in stock that are so popular.

Speaking of events we have two this weekend.  The Hearts in Style and Song event at the Hotel Hershey on Friday benefits the Penn State Hershey Heart and Vascular Institute.  It is a great event with a luncheon, fashion show, silent auction, and vendors.  It is already sold out.  This is our first time being vendors for this event but we are excited to be in this beautiful hotel and a part of this fundraiser.

On Saturday, Rachel and I will be headed to Harleysville for a 5K run benefiting the American Red Cross.  We are excited to be a part of this event as well.  I am hoping it doesn't rain as this whole event is outdoors like a street festival.

Last night the girls and I hosted our third Reclaiming Beauty webinar.  I had planned to do it with my daughters, and we decided to invite some friends to join us.  It has been really good.  We've been challenged in our health, who we are dressing to please (no rules of "this is godly, this isn't),  trying new things.  Last night I was challenged to address my weight.  I've never allowed myself to see it as a sin issue but for me it is.  I am lazy, and lack discipline.  I want to please the Lord in every area and this is the one He wants me to work on now.  Pray that I will delight in riding the exercise bike, that I will give up coca cola, and that I will be able to see results to keep me encouraged.

After these two events this weekend, we will start to focus on our Fall Fest we hold at our home every October 31st.  It is Reformation Day, and a good opportunity to get together with our church family and friends to celebrate together.  We have a bonfire, play games, have a hay ride (sometimes).  

Then in November we will have family visiting us.  One of Tim's sisters early in the month and the other mid month on their way to hunt and spend Thanksgiving with our brother in law's mom on the family farm in New York.  This will be fun to have them in our home and spend a bit of time together!

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, and I love to savor each holiday.  This year it will be a bit different as we will be in our store on Black Friday, instead of home decorating for Christmas!  And that means that the store will be decorated probably before Thanksgiving!  In fact, Emma and I found a nice sized tabletop Christmas tree for the store today!  

My friend Brenda, collects the brown transfer ware pattern by Johnson Brothers called Friendly Village.  I think it is charming and so I started to look for some plates or cups for myself.  Well the other day when I was out shopping with a friend I found a set of service for 12!  But all the pieces were priced individually and the dinner plates were $12.00 each!  A bit much for my budget these days!  But it is charming, isn't it?

Lindsay and Rachel took advantage of the cool weather on Monday and took their horses out for a ride.  Liberty is too small for Rachel so we are looking to sell her.  She is young, with attitude but learns quickly and has the potential to be a nice gaming pony.  Rachel will miss her.

Well, I should get back to work now.  Doing prep in the shoppe today for the weekend.

Hope your day is lovely.


Vee said...

Always a lot going on at Creekside Cottage. The new header is lovely and really speaks to your purpose here, I think. Oh I hope however you were challenged to address some issues was a gentle challenge. Weight is a sticky wicket. The only "sin" that everyone so plainly sees. It's been a challenge all my adult life. Wishing you all the best with your new goals!

Rebecca said...

I enjoyed the chat, and as I type my comment I am praying for you in the way that you requested. I know the struggle, my friend. (I write about my own challenge & progress with weight loss in one of my blogs on the subject....)

I really like the new header and background here! The delightful smell of my butternut squash in the crockpot seems to go right along with the autumn theme here.

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...

Any other reason to look forward to Thanksgiving?!?! ;)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Heather L. found a complete set including all the serving pieces for $100 or so last year.

She e-mailed me asking what I thought about the price and I told her BUY IT, hehehe.

It is getting really hard to find in thrift stores or Goodwill. I think it has become popular again as I've seen it in autumn magazines these past few years.

no spring chicken said...

What a wonderful bunch of lovely happenings at your little cottage! And such a treat... you met Cheryl, and Cheryl met you. I can't imagine what it must be like to put flesh and bones to the beautiful personalities. I'm thrilled for you both. Also a bit jealous of the fabulous new furniture additions.. :)

Blessings, Debbie

Cheryl said...

I do love chatty posts! =D

The scarf you showed there is lovely. My girls all love to accessorize with scarves. I like scarves too, but don't think that I wear them well. Have you seen that youtube video that was all over the internet last year...the one with 25 ways to tie scarves? Kati and Bekah learned every. single. one. They were a bit obsessive.

I hope that your events go well! Maybe people will be in a Christmas shopping mood!

Hooray for November guests! Have I told you that I have some very special guests coming for Thanksgiving this year?

I agree with Vee that your new header is a great representation of Creekside Cottage.

Lastly (sorry to hijack your comments today!), I am almost positive that I looked at that VERY SAME set of Friendly Village dishes when we were in Lancaster! I bought a set in September with some birthday money that I had, but I am always looking at dishes anyway. I had considered buying a few more salad/dessert plates, but the price was out of my acceptability range too. (Especially since I had purchased SIX 5-piece place settings for $85!)

Okay...I'll hush. =D

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

That's a crazy price for Friendly Village pieces! TJMaxx/Marshalls has them each fall/winter and the dinner plates are usually 3.99

Sherry said...

We are also loving the "Reclaiming Beauty" webinar! I think your idea is a great one (inviting others to join in).

Hurray for a Reformation Party! We also love these. Fall is such a beautiful time of year to celebrate the many, many gifts He gives us to celebrate!

Kjlb37 said...

That is a beautiful scarf! I love the way it is arranged, care to do a demo? My husband and I plan to come to Lancaster for a day trip next week to celebrate our anniversary, I'll be thinking of you;)

Debbie said...

You are busy! It sounds like a really good kind of busy, though. My busy here is kind of mundane in comparison.

I'm going to click that link to the webinar. I have never heard of it. I do, however, share your conviction about the weight. I do not know WHY I can't get a grip on the self control where that is concerned, and you are so right that it's a sin issue.

Alicia @ said...

Love the new blog look!

I, too, knoW about the weight struggle. It's so hard. I will be lifting you in prayer in this area.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...