Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Home Keeping - Bathroom Project

Do you ever have those projects that you plan to get to "one of these days?"  We have a few of those and frankly after a time, you just get used to living without baseboard trim or fill in the blank.  It just gets set aside due to lack of funds, time, or something more pressing.

We purchased paint during a Labor Day paint sale at our local hardware store, and there it sat in the basement shop waiting for us to get to it.  Finally, motivation came to me when Cheryl and family were coming for an overnight stay.  After we finished we wondered why we wait so long to get to these things.  The bathroom had been in bad shape when we bought the house, needing trim on the baseboards as well as along the bathtub.  We had the trim, most of it anyway, and we just never got around to it.

We are loving the way it looks!  Why do we put these things off?

Our master bath, which is an en suite bathroom in Lindsay and Emma's room, had not been painted for about 5 years, which isn't so bad, but it was a color that was fun when all four girls shared the room and they were ages, 16, 14, 9 and 6, and we were inspired by a Pottery Barn Kids catalog.  

We repainted the main portion of the bathroom from "Mango Tango" to a green color called Fable, which we purchased at our local True Value hardware store.

 We are loving the way it looks now!

The Flower photos are Emma's photographs.  I love the way they look against the green walls.

I am going to get baskets to corral all these hair products and brushes and clips, etc.

The bathroom is in two sections.  The toilet and shower room, which had been painted a Lemongrass color, and repainted several years ago in a Williamsburg color "Palace Chambers Yellow." 

The shower and toilet room.  This room has no natural light.  We've thought of putting a sky light in here, but let's not hold our breath.

The other section is where the sink and garden tub are located.  It has a window, too.  I really think this bathroom could have been designed in a better way, but it is what it is.  

We got a several projects finished during October.  A few I showed you and a few are small things - like changing my living room curtains.  It's made all the difference in our home, with very little expense.  That adds up to just right, here at our cottage.


Cheryl said...

Your bathroom is fabulous...designer-good! The color is gorgeous, perfect for your cottage, and so bright and cheerful. Although you did not need to spruce things up on our account, I know exactly what you mean about guests being the impetus we need sometimes to gussy things up. Ron says that we'd never get anything done around here if we didn't have company. :)

Oh, please do share your new curtains too! They are great!

Becky K. said...

I love the photos against that color. Great job!

The Old Parsonage said...

Love that green - it makes the photos pop!!!

We have a few of those types of small projects to do too. Hopefully I can cross a few off my to-do list.


Melissa G said...

You always have the BEST colors!

sherry said...

love the green - a color similar to what's in my laundry room. the guest bath needs an update and i'm thinking adding a shower curtain treatment might be the added pop the room is in need of. thank you.

Karen said...

I love the ledge for the pictures. What a cute detail!

Love the green, too. The whole project looks so fresh and fun.

Terri said...

Oh, hey! I had forgotten that the shower curtain had found a lovely home with you! Looks great with the yellow!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...