Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fall Fest

We had the most awesome weather today for our Fall Fest.  Mid 60's and partly cloudy skies, it was perfect.

 I took this photo Saturday night.  The lights look amazing in the trees.

 This was Sunday afternoon.  Tables under the trees, it was so beautiful.  We had hay rides, the kids played together, we ate good food, had a popcorn bar...

 The fire was great - many hot dogs were cooked, s'mores made...

 We watched "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" outside.  The kids loved it, and so did I.

 Later some of the young men played their guitars by the fire.  

 As the evening ended, I walked around the the yard and back to the trees in the front yard.

 I'm grateful for the opportunity to host our church family and friends.  We are blessed to share love and friendship with them, and to walk through life together.


Theresa said...

What a wonderful way to spend the evening! Thanks for sharing this special time with us! Have a blessed week ahead, HUGS!

Estelle's said...

This just looks so festive and lovely Deanna...a beautiful fall evening! Big hugs!

Sue said...

Two words for your Fall Fest... Awesome and Perfect! Your blog is indeed about friendship...hospitality,..and encouragement!
I believe when we share our homes we are being obedient to God by sharing His love for others!

Have a blessed week,

podso said...

The tree turned out great. Looks like a fun time and great weather. By the way your comments are now coming through on email again.

Rebecca said...

You ARE blessed! I'd love to know more about the "popcorn bar"!

Rebecca said...

You ARE blessed! I'd love to know the details of your "popcorn bar".

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