Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Twins Separated By Three Years

13 and 10.  In baby pictures we can tell them apart by what they are wearing.  As different as night and day.  She all arts and literature and he's math and science.  Love them so much.

All photos except the last one taken by Emma.  Last one was mine.  He's at that goober stage of trying to get a nice photo out of him.  He got his hair cut today, and it looks so nice!


Cheryl said...

They are precious!! So pretty...and so handsome! Yes, they do look very much alike! (And why is Kyle looking so OLD?!!)

Vee said...

Two peas in a pod! And they do look as if they get along very well together! The boys in my family have been in the goober stage for a while now. Have fun with the coaxing. (Some boys grow up and never leave that goober stage. My grandfather was one of them. Always hamming it up for the camera.)

podso said...

Fun pictures and they look like fun to have around!

Theresa said...

Hi Deanna, I tried to reply to your comment on my blog but I couldn't! My Daughter moved 2 years ago but still had the house where the piano was. It sold, so the piano had to be moved:) 45 minutes from one house to the other so movers took it on a big truck! Anyway, those two LOOK like twins:) How sweet! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

These two cuties with three years apart look more like twins than our fraternal twin granddaughters - they barely look like sisters! They just turned 19 and are very different in what they like.

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