Wednesday, November 25, 2015
I'm Awfully Fond Of My Chickens
I let our chickens out early yesterday. With our old batch of hens (only two of which are still living, out of 9. We had a hawk who thought this was a drive thru restaurant this summer) we let them free range all day. Now they go out later in the day, and they've been fine. We also didn't let them out at all for several months so that the hawk would realize that he would be getting no more meals here. They live in the old dog run which has chain link on the top also. Did I tell you one Sunday morning, we came out of the house to go to church and the hawk was sitting on top of the dog run looking down at the chickens?!!!
I understand nature and the circle of life, and I'm fine with that, but he's had enough of my hens, I'm not sharing any more.
These chickens love apples. We have Australorps, Pidgeon Cochins, Speckled Sussex, Marans, and another older girl whose breed escapes me now. We didn't by the Pidgeon Cochins sexed, hoping we'd get one or two roosters, and we did! They are very handsome. I'll try to get a photo of them for you to see.
Lindsay came by after her part time job working at a horse barn, to clean the coop and the run.
She's a cutie!
Later I took Rachel to work. I was gifted with a beautiful sunset on the drive home!
I drive a lot of backroads, with very few cars on them so it is easy to just pull to a stop and snap a photo. Yesterday, cars kept coming behind me so I had a harder time. I did manage shots from several different roads, as the sun moved lower and sank beneath the horizon.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, American friends, and great rest of the week to the rest of you!
I am thankful for you all, and how you've enriched my life with your friendship!
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Information Friday
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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Deanna! I'm so grateful for this specific day designated to giving thanks and expressing gratitude to God for His blessings, although I try to be diligent about expressing gratitude to our wonderful Lord every day of the year.
Poor chickens under the watchful eye of a hawk! Scary. Lindsay is a cutie and a good girl for cleaning the coop! Have a blessed Thanksgiving...
Wow your tea is just around the corner! But you are well organized. Have a happy Thanksgiving.
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