Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 18, 2017

Hospitality,Friendship, Encouragement

My blog subtitle after Creekside Cottage is Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement.  Those are our goals here at the cottage and as a family.

I called English Country dancing after lunch at church this afternoon.  We have a great bunch of young people who love to dance, and a few of the adults do, too!

Then we invited folks to our house to play games.  I have to say that by 5:00 on a Sunday most of us adults are tired, but the young people are just getting started.  

My job at these times are to order a lot of pizzas (today was 6 large pizzas for 19 people) and make sure there is something to drink.  I keep paper products stocked for just this kind of hospitality.

 This is the after.  One piece of pizza left.

The stack of games to choose from tonight.  They played Coup and Balderdash.  Oh, and Uno before the pizza arrived!

One of the Balderdash papers.

Rachel headed to bed early since she opens at work tomorrow, our (mine and Tim's) friends took their kids and a few others home, and Sarah is outside still chatting with a group of Joseph's siblings.

The house is quiet, and Tim has already headed to bed.  I'm waiting for Sarah to come in.

Hospitality can be tiring, but it is full of blessing to both the receiver and the giver.  It is a good thing, as Martha would say.


podso said...

You illustrate here that hospitality does not need to be a big production. Ordering pizza and paper plates is fine. It's the welcome in your home that is hospitality.

Sylvia said...

I've never been much for games, but time spent with friends is always a good thing!

Rebecca said...

Games R Us, too!
The investment of your energy, money & time are the basis for many, many wonderful memories as well as present and future friendships. Keep it up, Good Lady ♥

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I love it!!

Rhonda said...

We need to get back into doing this. We used to have friends over and play games together all the time. Dominoes was a favorite - especially on winter weekends. But we've not done anything like this for years now. Most of our friends are now empty nesters, we don't have teenagers in the house anymore but we still have a little one - we find that we do more with family now. I do think this winter we need to try and bring some hospitality back into our home!

Cheryl said...

You are such a gracious hostess!! I am agreeing with Dotsie's comment. It is the simple act of hospitality that is the blessing . . . the open home and warm welcome. That is why people come. Not to be "impressed."

Lorrie said...

What a great story of hospitality - not fussing, just welcoming people into your home and loving them. Hope you've rested well.

sanpiseth40 said...

It's the welcome in your home that is hospitality.


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