Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Home Keeping: New Plants

 I went to the garden center the other day and bought flowers for my cement planters. I also bought a new house plant. A Marble Queen pothos.  It's very pretty and I transplanted it already into a bigger pot.

I won't leave the tag in the plant much longer! (grin) 

I also put together the beginning idea for my Easter table.

I need an official head count still, but I think we'll be around 16 people on Sunday.  

I think this plant in the centerpiece, my Aldi purchased Dieffenbachia, will need a bigger pot soon. 

You know what that means, right?

I'll need a new wee plant for this adorable planter!

Holy week can be full of mixed emotions. The sorrow of the cross, but also the joy, knowing about the resurrection. My heart is full of thankfulness.

 Happy Mid-Week friends.


  1. I am a plant lover. They make things seem alive in a home. The resurrection is the basis for our faith. The feelings of undeserving yet grateful for it is what we do feel. Easter with family is a yes here too. It will be a full weekend but one I look forward to.

  2. Repotting house plants is something that needs doing around here, too.
    Regarding your comment on my last post, yes, hospitalizations and admissions to the ICU are increasing along with the case counts.

  3. I think you are playing shuffling plant pots. I like that you are already beginning a plan for your Easter table. Sixteen? What a lot!


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