Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 15, 2021

Weekend (And Thoughts On The Consent Of The Governed)

Today at 9:00 am

Today the sun is shining, it's a bit windy, and the high will be around 40 degrees. A chilly day.

We had a really good weekend. 

Friday evening the family gathered (those that were available), we ate dinner and played Mexican Train. That's a game that even Kamryn can play (she won a round, too!), and Klaire plays on a 'team' matching up the Dominos by color and number. As my dad likes to say, "We had four generations at the table." It was fun. Nate and Kay left to put the little grands to bed, and the older two got to stay a bit longer. They live very close to us, so it's easy to run them home.

It was fun, and we're already looking forward to this week. 

On Saturday, Tim had breakfast with a friend, and then had an inspection. Normally he doesn't work weekends, but with work slower right now, we didn't mind that it was a Saturday.

I cleaned the hall bathroom, changed out the shower curtain (I keep them and rotate them seasonally), dusted, vacuumed the living room, kitchen, hallway, and bathroom. I've learned to always dust before vacuuming. 

Tim wanted to eat the leftovers in the fridge for dinner, which was fine with me! Kyle never minds that, as long as there is good food! (grin)

Yesterday, was church, and then home for a big Taco Salad I had made. I also made homemade ranch dressing.  Our friend Denny was here for lunch and the afternoon/evening, and the older grands were here, too, as they go to church with us and spend the day. Kamryn and Kyle played minecraft online with their friend Daniel, Klaire played, took a nap, and then watched a show she likes.

I like a relaxed day with my people. 

This leads me to some thoughts regarding freedom, and our rights being given to us by God. They relate to cov*d because several things I saw and read this weekend are on my mind. If you don't want to read that, then this is where you can stop. I respect that.

I was thinking about how as a citizenry, so many have adapted to being told what they can and can't do without laws being passed. JB says they'll give us guidance on what we can do. Really? F@uci says there is no date he can give when people can have larger gatherings like weddings. I'm glad that our family has always gathered together, in spite of cov*d. I guess we just made ourselves our own 'cov*d circle.'

I believe most of us are good, law abiding citizens of our countries, and we want to do what's right. That's why it's been so easy for us to come under these mandates, not laws, that restrict our lives. There is enough data to show that with proper treatments (which our last president talked about, so the opposition couldn't have him have any kind of victory, so they wouldn't allow certain known drugs to be used that could have saved lives.), HCQ, and Ivermectin and others, this could have been over with in just a few months.  But its never been about keeping people safe, its about control. 

When will people feel it's okay to stop wearing a mask?  The CDC report said masks don't make a significant difference in cases, so why are they saying we should wear two or three masks?  Are people waiting for someone to come out and say, "You may now stop wearing a mask, and go about your lives." This continuing on is mostly for optics. So JB can say, "We beat it under my administration." They already have tried to say there was no vax before they took office etc... which is not true! JB himself was vaxxed before he took office! 

Cases are down significantly around the country, yet JB talks like a dictator: they'll decide, they'll give us guidance. In America, the founders built the foundation on the fact that people's rights are God given, not government given.

From our Declaration of Independence - 
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"

Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. That's us. If we disagree we need to say, NO!

I'm really praying for people to recognize that we can shelter the vulnerable, and those who are not at risk should be able to run their businesses, visit with friends and family, go to church, breathe freely.

We can believe that the virus is real, care about those who've lost loved ones, and still believe that as sovereign people we can make those choices for ourselves.  People are free to make their own choices. I respect that. If someone feels better in a mask or two, then feel free to wear them. I am not offended by that. I simply feel that the citizens of free nations, should have the right to decide that. 


Gail Travis said...

I had read a blog for several years. I enjoyed her pictures and collections. I disagreed with her political views but I overlooked them. One day she said that anyone who was a supporter of the former president wasn't welcome. I promptly deleted the bookmark and will not read her blog again. I am in the over 75 group and do not plan on taking the shot. I do believe that the situation is a lot about control.

Deanna said...

We live in a fallen world for sure.

Terra said...

You make a lot of good points about government control and about how the media censored good treatments. I got the vaccine and think of it at the Trump Vaccine, as he led the push to get a vaccine quickly so we can end this lockdown.

Vee said...

Isn't it wonderful that our rights come from God? It was a happy day when that sank in.

I had a nice conversation with an unknown to me lady outside a store where she found me leaning against a pillar while waiting for my sister. She wanted to tell me that she had had her second shot in spite of her being ill with leukemia. I smiled and responded, "To each his/her own." She pleasantly agreed with me and that was that. She wished me well; I wished her well. The end.

Your family night sounds like great fun. Too bad so many are missing out on family times. Well, to each his/her own.

cheryl said...

I fully agree with you. Our family has gathered together also in spite of covid. I have got together with all my kids and grandkids. I haven't missed no holidays no birthdays or grandkids weekend visits or any get togethers at all and we wore no mask and lots of hugs and kisses.

Kim said...

It sounds like a lovely weekend and I'm a HUGE fan of leftovers, especially Italian food, always tastes best the second day! And I believe in choice, freedom of information and speech.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Well, we're told to trust the science, but apparently only the science that supports the left's narrative. There's plenty of science out there, as you pointed out, that has been completely ignored. I didn't watch JB's address, but I did hear soundbites. I almost choked when he said if we obey we get to celebrate July 4 with backyard BBQ's. Hate to break it to him, but I think a lot of us have been doing that all along. Good post, Deanna. Keep 'em coming. Hugs.

karen hess jewelry said...

Despite the fact that my state, Arizona, flipped from red to blue in very recent years (to our great dismay), we have a wonderful Republican governor. He’s been cautious from the beginning and has used common sense with this nonsense. Our Bishop has followed that lead and made Mass accessible, along with Adoration and Confession. Our church has contactless holy water dispensers and we haven’t experienced any transmissions. My husband and I have been eating in restaurants for the past six months. We are both 72 and have gotten our vacs. My husband runs a business where he employs 300+ men and women. In the past year there was only one person in the company who contracted the v*rus. Our youngest is being married in November and is facing a party of 50. She would have to cut 100 people. I have great faith that the number will change for the better, but whatever happens life will go on and so will we. I pray for the end of all this as well as the travesty that is this current administration. May God have mercy on us all!

karen hess jewelry said...

Despite the fact that my state, Arizona, flipped from red to blue in very recent years (to our great dismay), we have a wonderful Republican governor. He’s been cautious from the beginning and has used common sense with this nonsense. Our Bishop has followed that lead and made Mass accessible, along with Adoration and Confession. Our church has contactless holy water dispensers and we haven’t experienced any transmissions. My husband and I have been eating in restaurants for the past six months. We are both 72 and have gotten our vacs. My husband runs a business where he employs 300+ men and women. In the past year there was only one person in the company who contracted the v*rus. Our youngest is being married in November and is facing a party of 50. She would have to cut 100 people. I have great faith that the number will change for the better, but whatever happens life will go on and so will we. I pray for the end of all this as well as the travesty that is this current administration. May God have mercy on us all!

karen hess jewelry said...

Despite the fact that my state, Arizona, flipped from red to blue in very recent years (to our great dismay), we have a wonderful Republican governor. He’s been cautious from the beginning and has used common sense with this nonsense. Our Bishop has followed that lead and made Mass accessible, along with Adoration and Confession. Our church has contactless holy water dispensers and we haven’t experienced any transmissions. My husband and I have been eating in restaurants for the past six months. We are both 72 and have gotten our vacs. My husband runs a business where he employs 300+ men and women. In the past year there was only one person in the company who contracted the v*rus. Our youngest is being married in November and is facing a party of 50. She would have to cut 100 people. I have great faith that the number will change for the better, but whatever happens life will go on and so will we. I pray for the end of all this as well as the travesty that is this current administration. May God have mercy on us all!

Sherry said...

thoughtful words concerning the present time, friend.
i'm in agreement...

Deanna Rabe said...

I think we all need to be reminded that our rights as humans don't come from government but from our creator!

Deanna Rabe said...

I'm so happy about this Cheryl!

Deanna Rabe said...

All the good stuff, Kim!

Deanna Rabe said...

You're such an encouragement to me, Nancy!

Deanna Rabe said...

My brother recently moved to AZ, Karen. Sadly, I think the state only flipped blue due to cheating. I know much of your covid has been from people coming across the border to receive health care, and then testing positive for covid.
Our daughter got married last May and had to shorten the guest list by a great many people. It was hard, but a beautiful day none the less, but I certainly hope and trust that by November, it will be over and she can have the wedding she is planning for! Let me know!

Deanna Rabe said...

I'm trying to share truths without offense.

Love you friend!

Information Friday

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