Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 8, 2021



This weekend was the one when the chickens moved to Lindsay and Joseph's house.

I thought I was getting video of Kyle moving the coop with the chickens inside, but apparently I wasn't recording.  (rats!) I did get this still photo of him after he pulled them up to the front of the house.

Tim then drove the coop up onto his trailer.  I have video of that. It's impressive. But I can't get it to upload to my email right now. (argggh)

Lindsay sent me this photo of the chickens exploring their new home. 

She came by on Saturday, too, to get some of her other belongings (horse saddles, bridles, etc) that she now has room to store at her own home. She and I talked for about three hours. We don't often get time together so it was special.

Saturday night I put a roast in the crock pot and cooked it all night. It was tender by morning. So we turned the crockpot to warm and when we came home from church, I shredded it, added bbq sauce, made cole slaw and we warmed up some baked beans for lunch. Rachel and Wes joined us, and our friend Denny. Klaire and Kamryn are always with us on Sundays. Klaire wasn't interested in bbq beef sandwiches so she had cheese and peanut butter and crackers.  

I chatted with Sarah over Marco Polo in the afternoon, Kyle, Rachel, and Wes played Skip-Bo, Kamryn played a computer game on an old laptop we have, Klaire bounded around, and Tim and Denny did Denny's taxes.

It was a fun day.

Today is my Emma's birthday! She and Vinnie are in Florida on a short get away for their birthdays. Vinnie's bday is tomorrow! The kids are with their other grandparents back home.

I want to thank you all for your lovely comments. This community of friends means so much to me, and it blesses me to hear that you are encouraged by what I share here at Creekside Cottage.


Cheryl said...

So exciting that Lindsay and Joseph are settling into their new place, collecting their chickens and other belongings and making it "home." It sounds like another fun weekend at your place, filled with people, productivity, and simple pleasures!

Buttercup said...

So enjoy reading about the chickens and Lindsay getting settled. I just had an omelet. It was good, but wish I could have made it with one of your eggs. Take care!

Vee said...

Lindsay must be so excited about having the chickens and her things with her. Nice to have a nice, long visit with her.

The snow is almost gone there. Not here.

Your new header is lovely!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...