Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tea On Tuesday (and some thoughts)


This is one of my favorite tea sets. A mini blue and white that I found in a gift shop in California about 4 years ago.  I keep it in my china cupboard with all my other tea things.

Tomorrow we may take Sarah's roommate to tea. My favorite tea room is only open Wednesdays through Saturdays.  We have plans for Thursday already, so it just might be tomorrow for tea.

If you are not interested in a bit of political news, you may move on, and thank you for reading about my tea set and plans for tea!

If you are interested, I'll share this tidbit.

Tim has read a book called The Deep Rig by Patrick M. Byrne, about the election and how it was stolen. More frustratingly, how so many 'establishment' Republicans were just following establishment ideas.

Patrick, General Mike Flynn, and Sidney Powell met with the President and showed how they could easily proof the fraud, etc, but those establishment guys fought against them. It's all frustrating.  

Anyway, I have a few ideas about this (I've always believed there was a bigger plan underway and I'd be happy to talk about some of that if you want to hear it), but for Tim, well he felt it was all over.

He follows Patrick M. Byrne on Telegram, and I now do, too. Last night I saw this post by him.

He and Sidney, and others have been working together, with others and Sidney has said that they would be able to share it all in about 2 weeks. That is why Patrick mentions 2 weeks here. 

This post, along with some other things I've been reading and observing from November 3rd on, make me very hopeful and I'm praying bolder prayers.

I also have been being reminded by the Lord, that my complete trust must be in him and not in men. However, as we see in the word, God works through mankind. Humans are imperfect, everyone of us.

This week of Easter reminds us of that fact. Because of our sin, God gave us the perfect sacrifice of His Son. But he didn't stay dead, he rose again to new life. So thankful!

I hope you feel encouraged, friends. Keep praying.

ps - if you are the UNKNOWN commenter that fills my inbox with garbage about Trump. Don't bother to comment. I won't post it. 


Vee said...

Hope that you gals get to go out for tea tomorrow. ☕️

As for the other, it often feels like the proverbial dangling carrot. 🥕

Dawn E. Brown said...

Deanna,thank you for sharing.I am with you.I am praying,and trusting our Lord is in control.Keep on sharing the truth.Blessings,Dawn E.Brown

sharon said...

Dawn took the words right out of my mouth lol. I thank god for your blog everyday.
Funny because my husband feels the same as your husband does. I won't give up ever

Theresa said...

Oh how pretty, love the tea set. He arose and for that I am SO thankful. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Sandy said...

I was not familiar with the book, but I listened to half of a Eric Metaxes interview with him on Rumble yesterday while ironing. I didn't get to finish but I hope to finish today. I am skeptical that B won, but I am skeptical that anything will come for a solution. IT saddens me greatly. I continue to pray as I am concerned for my children and grandchildren. Thanks for your boldness in sharing.

Shirley in Washington said...

Thank you for sharing about Patrick Byrne's book. I listened to an interview with him and Eric Metaxis. So interesting! I am just praying that the truth is so overwhelming that it has to be covered by all media. Happy Easter to you and thank you! Shirley

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