Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For In These I Delight

"Let not the wise man

glory in his wisdom,

Let not the mighty man

glory in his might,

Nor let the rich man

glory in his riches;

But let him who glories

glory in this,

That he understands and knows Me,

That I am the Lord, exercising

lovingkindness, judgement,

and righteousness in the earth.

For in these I delight,"

says the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:23-24
I have been meditating on these verses for the last few days. I want to glory in Christ alone, but sometimes it is hard. I tend to glory in the abilities that God has given me, instead of the Giver of those abilities.
Yesterday Melissa posted a devotional about God delighting in us - you can read it here. This challenged me. I don't tend to feel as if anyone delights in me, so it sometimes is hard to realize that my Creator delights in me. Wow!
I pray that you will glory in our loving God, and walk knowing that He is delighting in you!


Melissa G said...

So true. I was reading in the Psalms this morning that the Lord does not deal with us acording to our sins. He remembers that we are just dust. (psalm 103:10&14) How can He take such delight in us when we are just dust!? It's amazing!
So i'll have to remember this myself when other people make mistakes or annoy me. I have to remember that they are dust... just like me. =)And yet God still loves them and forgives them, so how can i do less? Seeing as i'm just dust myself.

~~Deby said...

The WORD of God is so powerful and alive the way that it just cuts to our heart and encourages and even reproves us....excellant verses...all we are...anything good is ONLY because of the Lord....I don't always remember that.
This is timely in more ways than I can write, right at this time.

Becky K. said...

Something we all need to remember....

Hi, I missed you while I was away.

I wondered what gems you were sharing...

See you tomorrow where you will be putting many of those gifts to work.

Becky K.

Katy said...

I hear you on this! Thank you for sharing it with us! :)

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  This post is not meant to be political. It is just to join in the grief of the loss of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas.   You can see the ter...