Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What Do I Really Believe God Can Do?

Last night we watched "Facing The Giants". I know, I know this moving has been out for a very long time, but now you know how un-"with it" we are!
This is an awesome movie. I love this production company and am so glad that God has raised them up, given them success and allowed them to glorify Him.
This movie sparked a thought in me "What do I really believe God can do?"
As I get older I have realized that I have had a very small view of God. Thankfully, He has come alongside me and taught me that He is BIG! I have learned about His Sovereignty, Grace, Goodness. I have learned about His astonishing creation! He has expanded my view of Him and still has more for me to learn.
So I wanted to ask you, "How has your view of God changed or grown?" I would love for you to share your stories. I am looking forward to it!


sherry said...

More than anything, the Lord has been developing a deeper walk with Him in my heart. My outlook is much more eternity focused. I don't know if it's age that has helped in my focus. Regardless, I'm willing and joyful for the change. I want all I do/say/pray for to be counted for Glory, though I often fail - and in such cases I'm forever grateful for His blessed grace. :o)


Anonymous said...

God is who He says He is
God can do what He says He can do
I am who God says I am
I can do all things through Christ
God's Word is alive and active in me.

These are five statements we have learned in Beth Moore's Believing God Bible Study. I have completed 5 of her studies and this is the 6th
and I have to say the best. You can do this study on-line and it is powerful! Wow! It really helps you learn that Yes I believe God!!
Check out for the on-line study!

Alicia @ said...

For me Auntie Dee, I now believe that God truly does provide and answer prayer. I always knew that He provided, but I didnt see it really in action until I was married and wow he makes our modest paychecks expand beyond what I could ever imagine. I was just sharing this last night at Bible study how Ryan and I prayed for nearly a year for a larger place that would fit into our budget so that we could start to raise a family. A year later, those prayers were answered and I am able to look back over the year and see why God made us wait that long. I have come to truly trust in HIS plan and put my reliance and faith solely on Him to provide our every need. I have other ways that I have grown to really know how big God is, but this is one that really has impacted me.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


I did that study 2 years ago and I loved it!

Jane, I think age does play apart in it. As I have gotten older, my understanding that I am not going to live forever has increased and I want my time here to count.

Alicia, this is such an important lesson to learn! I am so happy to see you both walking with the Lord and trusting Him with everything.

Kelly said...

God has shown me that I can trust Him to take care of finances. I was raised always hearing, "We can't afford it." As a result of watching my grandmother and my parents struggle with finances my whole life, this was the thing that was hardest for me to entrust to the Lord. I worried about our finances and when things looked bad, in the past, I would look for a job to help because I felt I needed to solve the problem. This time, with my husband being unemployed, God has shown me that He will provide for us financially until He places my husband in the right job in His time, not my time. I just need to wait upon the Lord. I did pretty well for the first two or three weeks, but the longer it goes that my husband is unemployed, the more I start to worry, but I just remind myself that God is in charge. He has a plan, and He knows what He is doing.

Katy said...

I haven't seen this movie either...LOL. We even HAVE the movie. I just haven't had the time to sit down and watch it. I have only heard wonderful things about it though....and I hope to watch it soon! I am so glad you enjoyed it! :)

Unknown said...

A great movie in my opinion! I cried through most of it. The daddy in the wheelchair was inspiring to me, as I suffer from a chronic illness. You see, I was told that I'd be in a wheelchair by the time I was "the age I am now!" but guess what, God Is BIGGER than that specialist's opinion! I'm not in a wheelchair and am enjoying life to its fullest day by day. I know I'm a Walking miracle!However, the dad in the movie also inspired me to try harder. I'm so much better off physically than he but sometimes wimp out! Mostly it was his godliness that gripped my heart and I know a few folks in real life who are just like that dear character in Facing the Giants.

Heart Breaking

  This post is not meant to be political. It is just to join in the grief of the loss of Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir Bibas.   You can see the ter...