Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bread, Cookies, and Morning Pals...

 We are trying different bread recipes.  This recipe makes both loafs and rolls...

 Here the rolls are waiting to go into the oven.  We used raw honey for the sugar in this recipe.  The local apiary we get our honey from takes their bees down to Florida for the winter...this honey was "Orange Blossom".  It had a strong taste, much stronger than the "alfalfa" kind that I normally buy.  The rolls were used for sloppy joes last night.  It was really good.  We used half regular flour and half spelt. 

 This little happy girl brightens our day.  We are so blessed to have her and her momma living with us.  Today she will be over at Great Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Speaking of my parents, they have had their house on the market for a week and have had two showings, so far.  Now that they have made their decision to sell, they are just ready for it to be over and settled.  My Mom would really like to be settled here before winter.  Will you pray with us for that?  I knew you would.

 Rachel wanted to bake yesterday too, so I made some Snickerdoodle dough and she and Sarah rolled them in the cinnamon sugar and flatten them out and baked them.  They are one of my favorite cookies!

 Lottie and Lola, the Rhode Island Red hens are faithfully giving us fresh eggs daily.  When Rachel reached in and checked for eggs she pulled them out and said "Mom, their still warm!"
Becky says that in the winter the eggs from her banty's keep her hands warm while she has the dogs out for their morning trip outside.

 The light coming in through the kitchen window was so beautiful this morning as it hit the wood trough centerpiece on our table...I love to use ordinary thing to beautify our home.  My husband and I love to point out things of beauty to the kids.  "Look at that beautiful sky!" or I love that tree" these kinds of statements since the kids were born have lead them to be very aware of nature and beauty.  I will hear them say "did you see that beautiful sunset?" Or "Mom, the garden is so pretty. Can I cut some flowers to bring in the house?"  They have become beautifiers of their own spaces as well, often having a jar of flowers in their bedrooms or I will find a pile of rocks on their dresser.  "What are these for?", I will ask.  They say "I found them outside.  I like how smooth they are or how sparkly they are."  It carries over to making their rooms nice too.  I changed Kyle's bedroom around the other day and vacuumed it all really well.  Yesterday he went in there and I heard him say "Thanks Mom, for changing my room around!"  Days later he was still responding to how nice it looked and enjoying the change.

 We are burning  a lot of candles these days, too.  I love the way they make our home feel and look cozy in the mornings and evenings.  The kids like this too, and will often ask if they can light the candles.  This one is Cinnamon Stick by Good Neighbors Candle Co.  These are soy candles and she uses hemp wicks so their are no toxins being released into my home.  These candles do not smoke nor are they sooty.  Is that a word "sooty"?  If you click on the link above it will take you to Becky's candle website.  You will not be disappointed with them!  She has great prices and they make great gifts...I am buying some of the Hot Chocolate ones this year for gifts.
And now I will leave you with a shot of my Morning Pal...every morning when he wakes up he calls to me and asks "Mom, can I come in with you?"  I, of course, always say yes.  Who could resist this face?


sherry said...

of course i'll pray to that end!

thanks for the link to becky's candle shop - had forgotten about that. yipes.


sherry said...

of course i'll pray to that end!

thanks for the link to becky's candle shop - had forgotten about that. yipes.


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
What a beautiful share this morning. I love the loaves of bread and those rolls look absolutely devine. Would you share the recipe? I would so love to try my hand at it for the holidays they are coming. I could smell the yeast as soon as I opened the page. Oh what a wonderful smell. Yummy, so yummy.

That little baby has the most beautiful face, if that isn't enough to get up for in the morning, I just don't know what is.

I love you shares of thank yous from the kids. It is so wonderful to know that there are still some children who respect their Momma's and their Daddy's. We see less and less of that. In the stores especially.

Love your little Welcome Bug too. He is a cutie.

Have a gorgeous day sweet friend.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for your parent's house to sell. ~ Ruth

Phyllis said...

I can't resist those precious freckles on his sweet little nose. He was playing on my iPod touch the other day and said "Grandma your favorite boy knows how to play this" I know I have loved him so much that he is confident of that love. So CUTE !!!!!

Simple Home said...

Don't you love it that they want come and snuggle you in the morning! What a precious face. I love snickerdoodles too!

Tracy said...

Fresh bread, eggs, great candles, and cute little children. Oh... your house sounds delightful! I'm praying that your parents' home sells quickly!

Anonymous said...

Kyle are you eating that cookie to make me hungry!!!! I asked for those yesterday!!!!

I have one candle I bought it is Apple Cider. I think I will go and light it!!

Becky K. said...

Is Kyle's cold all better? Jonathan is down with a very bad one. He has been fighting something for over two weeks. Might be time for antibiotics.

Thanks for the mention!
You are the best!

Melissa G said...

I'm burning a Good Neighbor Candle right now too! =) It's lovely.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...