Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Home Again

We arrived home Sunday evening one person less than we started out with.  Emma has started her two year program of Bible Study at a small school in South Carolina.  She's doing well.  

Monday, we took the day to unpack and to get the Autumn decor out of storage.  Every year I change up what I do and where I use things.  I am not a scarecrow kind of gal, I tend to do natural things, flowers, leaves, berries - that kind of thing.  I have been following a nice fall home tours in blogland hosted by Laura @ Finding Home.  I'm enjoying it, and I haven't looked at it yet today, but I am finding that every 'big' home blogger is doing neutrals.  I just couldn't live with that!  I need color!  The reason I love the Autumn is the amazing colors of the leaves changing!

We also are back into the school groove.  Yesterday the kids did watercolor painting and today we will cut leaf shapes out of them and string them up to make a garland!  These kinds of things make our days fun, and make learning more than just academics.

Yesterday we got my parents to the airport and off on their two week visit to California.  They get to hang out with my brother and sister in law, my nephews and niece and their children.  My parents have three great grandsons who live out there!  

While Tim and the girls took them to Philly, I took the time to decorate for Autumn at my Mom's house, with her things.  When she gets home on the 30th her house will be all ready for her to enjoy.

Now today I am headed to take Rachel to Cello and run a few errands.  Then home to finish school, and do some reading and to have rest time.  This is something I did when the older kids were young.  An hour after lunch to be quiet (the little ones always napped) and read or listen to an audio drama and do quiet activity like Legos.  Every one gets a break from each other and time to do something they want to do alone.

I'm certain I'll be drinking some tea during my quiet time.

How are your days going as we slide into Autumn?  We've had warm, mild days and cool, chilly nights!  Love it!


Lorrie said...

It's an adjustment to living with one or two less in the house. Thoughts fly towards Emma many times during the day, I imagine.
The hour after lunch quiet time is something I encouraged for years. It's such a good idea even for someone like me with an empty nest.
Enjoy your fall primping.

Elizabeth said...

I am like you, I also like the fall colors,I have been bringing out my decorations and it has me in a wonderful mood!

Cheryl said...

I am loving your cozy autumn decorations! I, too, appreciate the color...the warm golds, reds, and oranges of fall.

Your quiet time in the afternoon sounds delightful. Time to get out the tea pot and the pumpkin spice tea, I think.

Happy to hear that Emma is doing well!

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

I'm with you, Deanna, I need colour!

Love the watercolour art and what you've done for you mom!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...