Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 12, 2014

Jamestown Church

At the Jamestown Settlement they have recreated what the fort would have looked like.  One of my favorite buildings is the church.

 James I is on the throne of England but you can see the Tudor styling in the building.

 Craftsmanship always gets my attention.  This is a reproduction but it is true to the historical records.  This is from the early 1600's.

 This is hanging in the back of the church by the baptismal font.

 I am always interested in how even in such a remote location, they were interested in beauty.  (I don't know if I took photos of the Governor's house, but some of the furniture in there is amazing!)

 Great detailing on the doorway.

 Governor's chair for church.

 Sarah in the pulpit.

Twin bells.

I love exploring history.  I am reminded, when I come to places like this, that they were not living primitively, over all.  Once they got settled they had furniture and delft tiles around the fire places, and a velvet seat on the 'fancy' seat for the chamber pot.  I think because we are taught evolution in schools, that we somehow think they didn't live well.  We are blessed to have electricity, better care for our teeth, the internet - you know, all those important things.  I am thankful to live in the time that I do, but I am also thankful for those hearty souls who braved hardships and challenges to settle in a new land.  

Ancestors, on my Dad's side, came to New Kent, Virginia in the 1680's.  Others landed with Oglethorpe in Georgia.  Here is an interesting bit from Wikipedia -

Georgia was a key contested area, lying in between the two colonies. It was Oglethorpe's idea that British debtors should be released from prison and sent to Georgia. Although it is often repeated that this would theoretically rid Britain of its so-called undesirable elements, in fact it was Britain's "worthy poor" whom Oglethorpe wanted in Georgia. Ultimately, few debtors ended up in Georgia. The colonists included many Scots whose pioneering skills greatly assisted the colony, and many of Georgia's new settlers consisted of poor English tradesmen and artisans and religious refugees from Switzerland, France and Germany, as well as a number of Jewish refugees. There were also 150 Salzburger Protestants who had been expelled by edict from the Archbishopric of Salzburg in present-day Austria (see Salzburg#Religious conflict), and established the settlement of Ebenezer near Savannah. The colony's charter provided for acceptance of all religions except Roman Catholicism. The ban on Roman Catholic settlers was based on the colony's proximity to the hostile settlements in Spanish Florida.[citation needed]

My ancestor's were some of those Scots mentioned in that paragraph.

I'm proud to have family that helped to settle America, and hope that 
some of that bold and brave spirit has passed on to me and my kids.


Vee said...

How odd that we've been separated for several days and yet have been discussing similar things! John and I loved reading this post and seeing the beautiful arched charming. I have an arched doorway and it has none of the thought and design that went into that. Yes, somehow I have sometimes thought that men are growing smarter and smarter. Not so! Quite the opposite. The farther we get from Eden, the less intelligent we become.

Cheryl said...

I am agreeing with you and Vee! Although man is more "technical" these days (and even that is allowed by God for His purposes), he is not smarter. The further we get from Eden...and the further we get from the Lord...the less "smart" we are.

We have visited Jamestown before. Fascinating bits of history!

podso said...

I enjoyed seeing all the details you are showing. Probably more attention to them than if I had toured it myself.

Sue said...

I found this post to be so interesting, and a joy to read, I also enjoy history especially when it involves some of my ancestors. the governors chair was very regal, I also like the fact that our ancestors liked to have things as nice as possible, the workmanship back then was certainly of a very high quality and was so detailed. I sometimes wonder if they didn't take more pride in their work, than what we see today.
I apologize for not being able to visit this summer, but as usual we were extremely busy , but for now things seem to be slowing down, and that is a "good thing", as I have really not spent a whole lot of time in cleaning and getting ready for the holidays, I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.
Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your weekend,

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...