Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Silver Tray Project

I love silver.  I collect silver and silver plate as I am able, creating my own heirlooms for my family.  

I had a tray that was silver in color, likely stainless, but I did use it.  Over the years it had discolored in spots (like tiny rust spots) and it was taking up space in my storage.  So I decided to try to make a project based on something I saw in a store. 

Behold the Chalkboard Silver Tray.

I started by using Frog Tape to tape off the sections I didn't want to get paint on.  

I pulled out a can of chalkboard paint that I have had for a couple of years!  Shook it really, really well, then in my usual fashion, I just started spraying!

I put three coats on it over a few days, and let it sit for one more day.  Yesterday, I added the message in chalk.

It's not perfect, it's hard to tape off those scalloped edges, but I don't even care!  I may try to tidy the edge but I probably won't.  

Happy Fall, Y'all.


Farrah said...

What a great idea! You should invest in the chalk that Starbucks and Ruthann from Sugarpie Farmhouse uses. That will look more professional.

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

I think it's lovely.

Cheryl said...

Great project!! It is perfectly "you"...the silver, the welcome of your favorite season (and mine), tea...

Yes, perfect! :)

podso said...

Nice work. I made one once with a small white plate. I have a silver tray I thought of trying it with too, like yours. Also like your autumn pictures in previous post! The weather today on the first day of fall actually feels like fall. That rarely happens. I wore a sweater all day!

Debbie said...

Every single time I see a project like this I think, "Debbie, you need to do this."

I never do.

Debbie... you NEED to do this.
I love it.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love those! I had some, but now can't find them locally. I'll have to try Amazon!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


It was fun! And easy, which is a win win for me!

Lorrie said...

It looks great! A perfect way of using something that is past its original prime. Welcome Autumn, indeed!

Deanna said...

LOVE these! Really neat use of a tray.

Tea and Friendship

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