Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wedding: Prep Work

As you know we are helping Nate and Kayleigh with their wedding.  In fact it is going to be held here on our property.  This means a lot of work, but it is also a good thing because it has given us the motivation to get some things done around here that have been needed due to neglect.  

Now we are lazy and purposefully neglectful, but with Tim working two jobs, basically from March until August, all the things he does around here got put on hold.  After all, a man has got to sleep!

This past Saturday was the best day to work on the flower beds around the house.  The kids and I had kept up with most of the weeding but there were a few areas that needed to be done again!  And there were smallish trees that had started to grow up close to the house, and well, it was a mess.  

Thankfully, we are used to working hard, even the kids, and we got it done!  

We have to finish mulching around the house, as we only got part of it done that day. 

Did I mention how the temperature was in the 90's and the humidity was high?  We were really clearing out toxins from our bodies with the amount of sweat we produced!  We rewarded ourselves with a swimming out at Camp Geezer!  The pool water temperature was 88 degrees!  It was delightful.  Not hot like a bath but not cold when you get in!

We have 2 1/2 weeks left before the wedding.  I am going out today to look for some more flowers for the table arrangements.

Oh, I have a mini rant.  Do people understand the importance of the RSVP?  I know that several years ago, I realized that many people think you only have to respond if you are attending.  The problem with this is that the one hosting the event has to assume you are attending, if you don't respond, or else the host is embarrassed when you show up and they are not prepared for you!!!!  When Lindsay got married, a relative on the grooms side, didn't RSVP until a few days before the wedding.  And they had 6 kids as well!  We couldn't have squeezed 8 people in, especially small children who need to sit with their parents!  Fortunately, we heard from someone else that they were planning to attend, so we were prepared for them!

Invitations to Nate and Kay's wedding went out 5 weeks ago.  Hardly anyone has RSVP'd.  Crazy!  Please, people ALWAYS respond with either yes, or no!  

Okay, my rant is done.  Just a little reminder of the importance of etiquette.  

Have you ever encountered this kind of issue?  


Sherry said...

planning for such a special day is for sure a labor of love. praying you'll find necessary rest and hydration! :)

Lee Ann said...

totally understand your vent on RSVP.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with on the RSVP's.

Elizabeth said...

Yes, I find that it is necessary to call people and ask if they are attending events, so many just do not RSVP. Enjoy all your planning and preparing !

podso said...

Seems like people have lost the grace of etiquette, or they never knew it. But I don't know what you can do about it, I think it's taught at home.

Cheryl said...

You all have been working hard!! It's going to look wonderful though. We joke that we'd never get anything done if we didn't have company now and then, but you're right...guests are a powerful motivation!

I remember reading about RSVP's on Reluctant Entertainer blog a month or two ago. Sandy said that people just don't respond to RSVP's anymore, so one should either forget about it if it really doesn't matter OR not feel bad about contacting the guest personally to ask him/her/them if they are planning on coming. I'd think that with a larger event (such as a wedding) that it would matter, but it is time consuming to call everyone individually. Sigh...

Theresa said...

I agree on the RSVPing! People don't realize how much you have to prepare for everyone to have a place to sit and food to eat! My daughter has 6 in her family and she SURE does RSVP:) Have a blessed day and try not to work too hard! HUGS!

Rebecca said...

Sigh (re. RSVP). I believe it is a "sign of our times". People live for the day; don't make commitments; think primarily of themselves; are too busy; and a thousand other reasons.
I hope to see more of your flower beds after they're finished. Glad you had a pool to jump into after all the work, heat & humidity....

Estelle's said...

Preparing for a wedding event is a huge undertaking. I had two sons get married within a few months of each on the ranch and one on the beach. They both did much of the preparation themselves, so I know exactly what you are talking about. We have hosted rehearsal dinners many times also for family and friends. I have found that very few people know Emily Post etiquette anymore.....It makes planning impossible doesn't it? I go by the rule, :its better to have too much, than not enough!: In the end, it will all be beautiful and memorable...enjoy the occasion and have a wonderful time! Big hugs Deanna! Cannot wait for pictures!

Lorrie said...

Your yard is never going to look better. There's nothing like a big event for motivation. Your rant is one that is justified. RSVPs are a matter of politeness. Like Estelle, we've just planned for a few more - but a family of 8 is a lot! Enjoy the run up to the wedding.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...