Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 3, 2015

A Decade Old

My baby is 10 today!

Pardon me while I sob.

I've been looking at photos of him this morning, from the years that I have been blogging.

He's growing up.

Still a joy to us all.  

Lego lover, Dr. Who, Minecraft fan.  Smart as a whip. 

Happy 10th Birthday, Kyle!

You are a gift to us all and we love you!


Becky K. said...

He is a sweet young man. I love sitting behind him in he moves out in the aisle so that he can see the words on the screen to jumping up to "man" the lights for Sunday School video segments.

Cheryl said...

Happy birthday to Kyle!! He is a treasure!! (And I certainly will pardon you while you sob. It is so bittersweet seeing our "babies" grow up.)

Honeysuckle Haven Cottage said...

Bittersweet! It breaks my heart looking back at old pics/videos of my girls. He sure is a cutie. Love love the freckles :)

Melissa G said...

What a great kid! Happy birthday Kyle!

podso said...

He looks like lots of fun .. and your baby has moved to two digits.

Vee said...

Awww you caught me, Have to say HApPy BiRtHdAY to Kyle! Nothing like reaching the big 1~0! Sam was just telling me today that he can't wait (he has to until January, though.) Party on!

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