Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 16, 2015

Autumn Beauty: Longwood Gardens

This is a photo of my Cleveland Pear tree from the other day.

Saturday I am meeting up with some friends from church at Longwood Gardens.  I really love it there, and haven't been for a few years.  

It's going to be chilly and I am so looking forward to it!

Here are some photos from Longwood's website.

I'll try to get some photos but I hope to soak in all the beauty.

6 comments: said...

Hope you aren't too disappointed in Longwood Gardens this week. We were just there yesterday (we have a season pass). They are kind of in an in-between blooming time period.
Loved the photos from your beautiful piece of property.

Lee Ann said...

Sounds like a good time. It's quite chilly here this morning as well.

Vee said...

Hope that you have a blast and that the colors are amazing!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Longwood is on my bucket list, please do share autumn photos after your visit.

Lorrie said...

What a beautiful garden! Love those twirly whirly shrubs!

Heather said...

I love Longwood! We haven't been in about a year. We need to renew our membership soon! Thanks for sharing your photos!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...