Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Come Walk With Me!

I took a short walk around on the property this morning, and tried to capture the beauty that I saw.

This rose bush was nearly dead this spring so we cut the dead parts away, and it left very little plant.  This morning I see that that whole thing is thriving!  Can't believe it is still blooming.

 The rose bush is by the deck stairs and this is a look from there toward the northeast property line.  Those trees are turning now and the gully area is so pretty right now!

This tree is along the creek and the barn and pasture are behind it.

This is that tree's neighbor.  This bush flowers in the spring, and is so pretty.

We have several burning bushes on the property.

A lovely Maple.  You can see the shadow of the barn, too.

Now we are across the creek and looking a northeast again.  The trees in the pasture are so beautiful.

This maple was between the two play gyms we had.  Now we just have the one and the play house, and we are happy with how this area looks.

My September blooming daisy mums, are finally beginning to bloom here in mid October. They are in the front garden.

Thanks for coming along on my walk, I enjoyed your company!


Cheryl said...

Thanks for the invitation to join you on your walk! You have many lovely scenes there at Creekside!

As expected, you have a bit more color than we do so far. We are really missing our October visit this year. It is such a beautiful time of year...and you live in one of the prettiest places!!

Vee said...

Ahhhh...lovely walk. Your September mums prove that we are a bit behind on the east coast. We are, I know. Love the horses and barn and the lovely captures of the light filtering through those golden trees.

Estelle's said...

Well this just made my day. very, very beautiful!

Theresa said...

I SO enjoyed my walk with you:) Love that rose! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Heather said...

It's all very beautiful! You are just a bit advanced in color than our area. Thanks for taking us on your walk!

Information Friday

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