Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 9, 2015

Autumn: A List Of Favorite Things

 This is a house I pass nearly everyday.  Every year I look forward to the beauty of this tree.  It never disappoints.

Its time for our annual 'list of favorite things' for autumn!

1. Sunny days, cool nights.

2. Flannel sheets.

3. Pumpkins and Gourds.

4. Apple Cider.

5. Changing leaves.

6. Scarves.

7. Baking

8. Harvest time on the local farms.

9. Blanket throws.

10. Changing the scent of my candles from summer scents to autumn scents.

11. Changing out the bedding.

12. Adding seasonal color into our home.

13. Being outside in the beautiful weather.

14. Dinner on the deck.

15. Fall foliage drives.

16. Hosting our annual Fall Fest!

17, Wearing sweaters.

18. Boots.

19. Pea Coats.

20. Mums.

21. Bonfires.

22. Roasting hot dogs.

23. S'mores!

Now it's your turn!  Tell me your favorite things about autumn!

Same tree different angle.  LOVE!


Vee said...

You folks spend a lot of time outside in autumn and it sounds like fun. If we could have a fire (we are not allowed), I would love a hot dog and perhaps half a s'more. =D I put the fleece sheets on the bed some weeks ago. pleasant, warm, and cozy. That way, I can still keep my window open overnight.

Vee said...

Forgot to say that your header is marvelous! So beautiful.

Rebecca said...

Can't think of a thing to add! Until next spring, autumn is my favorite time of year! (And we have a tree on our property that turns those same colors. ♥ it!)

Cranberry Morning said...

Yes. That header is gorgeous,!!! I love many of the same things you do about fall. Crisp days, fires, the smell of wood smoke, the glaze of ice on the water, a cold bedroom but an electric mattress pad turned on low.

podso said...

We could stop at each item on your list and give thanks for it. Autumn is such a wonderful time of year. Your collage header is great!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Love the new header! I love so many things about Autumn! October is my favorite month.

Tim said...

pea coats???

Tim said...

Your blog looks really nice with the new header.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks! I love it, too!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes, pea coats like these from LL Bean.

Heather said...

So many of the same things! Pumpkin everything, the changing leaves, soups, being able to wear layers without dying! :-)

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