Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 26, 2015

They're Engaged!

The call came a week or two ago, from Vinnie to Tim.  A text  message to Tim to me, "What size ring does Emma wear?"  Ahhh!

When Vinnie came last Thursday, the secret watch was on by the family.  They came home from lunch after arriving in Philly.  We all sneak a peak at her finger.  No ring.

They went to the flashlight maze at the corn maze she and Lindsay used to work at, they came home, we glance at the finger.  No ring.

I kept getting text messages from family,

 "Anything exciting happening over there?"

"Is Vinnie gonna propose to her today?"

The anticipation was killing everyone!
They went to Hershey Park for the afternoon and evening.  Home.  No ring.

We go on a beautiful hike yesterday, lots of opportunity in a beautiful place.  No ring.

 I borrowed her photo from the hike yesterday
They go out to Target last night with a stop by Starbucks for a coffee.  They go outside to drink it and he drops to one knee and proposes!!!

 Her text photo that I cropped and edited!
Text messages, photos and then finally they arrive back at home! Now we can look at her finger openly, and enjoy seeing her ring on her finger!
 Late evening, poor lighting, happy couple

 Her ring suits her so well.  It's beautiful and feminine.

It's a happy, exciting time here at the Cottage!


Theresa said...

Congratulations! That is SOOOOOOO exciting:) Have a blessed day dear friend! I will look forward to ALL of the wedding plans:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Lee Ann said...

Congrats!!! Happy for you and your family!

sherry. said...

lovely .. all of it. just lovely. so happy for your daughter and her beau. :)

Melissa G said...

Very exciting! Congratulations to Emma and Ginnie!

Vee said...

Wonderful news! Warm best wishes all around. (The "no ring" storyline was very amusing.)

podso said...

Such good news! They kept you in suspense though! (Or he did).

Rebecca said...

How hard it must have been to watch and wait! Congratulations to Vinnie and Emma -- and what a lovely ring.

Terra said...

Now THAT was a hard secret to keep, you did good. The young couple are very happy looking.

Tim said...

I'm glad to see you're as excited as we are! So happy for them.....

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! How exciting.

Farrah said...

Yay! How exciting!

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