Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Home Keeping: Time To Clear The Clutter!

This photo is from last year on our property.

I have three projects going right now.  Our fall fest on November 1st, a ladies tea on December 7th, and a design project with Joseph's mom.  They are building an addition and we are working on colors and decor for 4 bedrooms, and a huge laundry room.  

I enjoy all these things.  It is so fun to see them come together, the problem is finding a place for everything that is purchased for the projects.  My main issues are for the fall fest and the tea, I have bags stuffed in my closet!  I really need to sort through things in the storage areas, too,  but I am not going to do that today!

My main goal for today is my closet.  Then if I can, I will work on a corner in my bedroom.  Our room is so big that I tend to 'store' stuff in there, until it drives me crazy.

Organization does not come naturally to me, but I love a neat and tidy home.

What are you doing today?


podso said...

It sounds to me like you are an organizer! Rainy day here.

Vee said...

Oh I hear you about storing stuff in the bedroom. Guilty, I am, too. I always love your Ladies' Tea and the project for the addition sounds like fun. Fall fest must be coming right up soon.

Heather said...

I am the same way! Especially around Christmas. My poor closet becomes a storage shed! Your projects sound lovely, especially the tea! :-)

Tim said...

Thats a beautiful shot of your property from last year.

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