Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 8, 2017

English Cottage Garden In Late Spring

My English Cottage Garden is a wild place.  No neatly ordered plants, they've all spread their seeds over the years and now I can find poppies in several spots, the same with the coneflower, feverfew, hollyhocks, and larkspur.

The boxwood by this rose bush is big and will be getting a cutting back this year.  But they play nicely together, don't they?

My Annabelle hydrangea are thriving in their corner, behind the spent peonies.

Along the walkway and by the front steps you'll find feverfew in bloom, poppies nearly ready and larkspur.

 This daylily is ready to flower, tucked in by the fence and coneflowers.

We've had such cool weather the bleeding heart is still blooming.

 Coneflower buds, and some larkspur tucked in.

 This is the hydrangea that started to leaf out early, then we had a few days of freezing temps.  It blooms on old wood so I thought the freeze had killed it but it's come back and I am very happy.

 My hollyhocks self seed now. I used to have pink and raspberry colored ones, but they died out.  I ordered these black ones from Baker Creek and they are thriving!

 Look how big it is!  Its growing in the narrow space between the walkway and my arbor!

Here's a view of the hollyhock and the larkspur, poppies, spent iris, my goldmound spirea just in view to the left. You can see some lychnis along the fence to the left - its the deep pink flowers.  The hydrangea is on the right under the window. Behind the left side of the arbor, behind the larkspur, I have a new red climbing rose.  It is growing well, but no climbing yet or flowers.  I hope to get red roses climbing up and over this arbor!

My spirea thrives in this spot by the lamppost along the drive way.  It flowers all spring and summer!  Pretty pink flowers with chartreuse leaves.  In front of the lamppost I have purple iris, but they are done flowering.  They look so pretty with this lovely spirea behind them.

How is your garden growing this year?  It will be interesting to see how the summer shapes up after this cool and wet spring! 


Rhonda said...

I love wild gardens - you have such beautiful flowers. So very welcoming!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

So beautiful. I love the idea of a English Cottage garden.

Debby Ray said...

Now this is my kind of garden...everything having a mind of it's it!

podso said...

So pretty and natural. I love the color of your first rose.

Sandi said...


Flowers give me hope. They bloom, then bloom, then bloom again...people not even born yet could one day see blooms from this same plant!

Vee said...

My irises just bloomed this morning and the peonies are still tight in the bud. Two gorgeous days of sun and right back into the soup tomorrow. Oh well, one must endure.

Your cottage garden is just lovely and I think you are saying that it pretty much cares for itself. That's the joy of a packed garden. said...

Blooms all season long, very nice.

Stacy said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures of your garden. It so reminds me of my grandmothers...just packed full of so many flowers...whatever made her smile was added.
As for the chickens, I don't have any now, but would like to get just a couple of hens for the yard. Maybe next year. We had quite a few a few years ago. Rhode Island Reds. Hannibal my rooster was enormous, the biggest rooster I've ever seen. I should have taken him to the fair. He'd probably have won prizes. We also had Araucanas which were okay. The colored eggs were fun and the rooster, Esmerelda (they were supposed to be all hens) was my special pet and liked to be held. My favorite were the Buff Orpingtons. Those girls really cranked out the eggs and they had pretty docile personalities.

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...