Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 5, 2017

Full Weekend

You already know that I was at our homeschool convention on Friday and Saturday. It was such a good time of fun, catching up with friends, listening to good speakers, being encouraged, buying materials for my students.  Sarah will be in 10th grade, Kyle in 7th, and Kamryn in 1st.  

Our convention was held in Lancaster this year rather than at the Farm Show complex in Harrisburg.  Some people were unhappy with that.  Change is always challenging, but I have to say that over all I really enjoyed it.  There was not a lot of seating for just having a rest, but when we needed to do that we simply went to hear a speaker! 

A big thing among the kids at the convention were fidget spinners.  We don't tend to get into 'trendy' kid things, but Kyle was really wanting one, and kept mentioning it.  I told him I thought he could easily make one (I'd seen one online that had been made out of Legos), and said that I would not be buying him one.  After we got home on Friday, he disappeared for awhile into his room, and came out with a really cool fidget spinner!

He also got to spend time with a few of his friends at the convention at a booth that was selling history games.  They had a few tables set up with their game on it so people could play it and they did!  The vendors didn't mind at all - they said it was free advertising!  He's a nice kid and easy to have around.

Emma sent me this photo of Isla at a lake on Saturday.  Both Isla and Klaire are starting to crawl!  They'll be eight months old next week!  

Sunday we had lunch at church and then learned a little country line dancing.  Then we had some people over for games, conversation and pizza.  I made myself and another THM friend a pizza made with Fathead pizza crust.  Have you ever heard of it?  I like it and its easy to make. 

After dinner Rachel and I left (we already had tickets) to go see Servant Stage Company's performance of The Civil War.

I can't see enough wonderful things about this performance.  They have the most incredibly talented performers.  All the songs are based on actual writings from people involved in the war - either from journals, letters, or articles written.  It was very moving, I was wiping tears a few times.

This performing company put on their shows at a 'pay what you want' price as they want people to enjoy theatre.  They also take donations.

I'm certain we will see many more of their productions, and I'll be bringing the rest of my family!  If you are coming to Lancaster County for a visit, check out their website and go see one of their shows!

This week we don't have a lot going on but we have our homeschool evaluations on Friday.  So we'll be gathering up samples of their work for this year.  

I always enjoy this time of year as it allows me to review the year we've had.  Its never the same, year to year, as life happens while we are learning.  That's the beauty of home education.

Did you have a good weekend?


Cheryl said...

You did have a full weekend! I didn't know that CHAP had moved venues this year. (And dates also, right? I remember that it was always on Mother's Day weekend before. Is that a recent change?)

I'll bet that Kyle will enjoy the fidget spinner that he made himself more than one that he (or you) purchased. Great learning experience too!

Look at that Isla! Those babies are certainly growing!

Kim said...

Sounds like you had a great time. I am a huge fan of theater, I bet I'd like this show!

Vee said...

Glad that you had a fun, active weekend with some culture thrown in for good measure. Fun to know that the cousins are both starting to crawl...can walking be far behind?

podso said...

Maybe Kyle can go into business making fidget spinners. You can purchase little bags of individual legos if needed. :-)

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What a wonderful weekend you had. We had a good weekend as well. I love a good homeschool convention. It has been a long time since I have been to one due to not one really close or that fits our needs in my area. When I lived in the Midwest we had great ones!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...