I love going down roads with leaves on them. I love it even more to drive under falling leaves!

I love Fall road trips. There is little I like more than a good Fall foliage trip! I can't get enough of the changing trees!

Our own property has a lot of beautiful trees on it. I love to sit outside at this time of year and walk on our property.

I love decorating our home and property with lights, pumpkins, and candles!

I love getting out the plaid wool blankets. When the nights get cool, I love having them available to lay an extra layer on our beds.

I'm sure you know there will be more than FIVE things I love about autumn, and I'll be sharing those in the days to come!
This is a fun post, Deanna. :)
I envy those of you who get wonderful fall weather. We do have a difference but nothing like some of you get. Looking forward to dips in the 70s later this week.
I enjoy similar things.....
Saturday we enjoyed a fall festival on the property of a rural shop. Several vendors had set up booths and there were plenty of pumpkins, mums, and blue skies. Only thing missing was the cool, crisp weather :)
Those are some of my favorite fall things too! We've had temps in the 90s the past few days but this week it's supposed to dip down into the 60s. Yeah! Time to break out the sweatpants and hoodies!
I love the same things you do Deanna! Beautiful photo's
Sooooo many things to love about fall!!
Oh the colors!! Fabulous!
I couldn't agree more. Beautiful, fun post. The location of that first photo is about a half hour from my house!
Only thing is, right now it's way too hot here to really feel like fall. In the high 80s-low 90s. Hoping that will change this week!
I could just drink in all that beauty....It's renewing to the spirit...what a gift!
Beautiful photos . . . we live in a desert area and I miss the trees and all of their color. I was raised in Indiana and fall is amazing there.
I like these things too! And hot chocolate around a campfire. Feeling a little nip in the air first thing in the morning! Makes that first cup of coffee taste so wonderful!
Hope you get to do all the things you like this fall!
Your autumn Pinterest folder is wonderful. So much inspiration there! (I had to snag a couple. 🐿)
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