Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Book Talk - Girls' Club

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sally Clarkson, people smiling, text

I'm helping with the book launch of Sally, Sarah, and Joy Clarkson's book, "Girls' Club; Cultivating Lasting Friendship in a Lonely World."  I was given three chapters to read, and I have pre-ordered the book!  

I'm really excited about this book because friendship (which is one of the purposes of my blog) is really important to me.  I don't have sisters, so friendships with women has been a need all through my life.

God has graciously given me a friend at every point of my life, but there have been times where I didn't live near my friends, and I've been lonely for my kindreds.  I'm one who gives all of myself to my friendships, and so I find myself lonely at times.

God also graciously gave me four daughters.  I intentionally built relationships with each of the individually and I am so thankful for each one!  We've shared tears, laughter, tea, food, babies.

I'm grateful for the relationships I have even with my far away kindreds.  I'm grateful to have them speak into my life, sometimes through their blogs, emails, text messages, shared books.

These women and I care about each others' families, too, and I'm grateful that we all care about each others' children, too.  Now my girls have their own friendships with some of my friends.  It's a beautiful thing.

I listened to a podcast by Sally, Sarah, and Joy and they mentioned how it is important to be intentional in friendship, and that even if we are longing for friendship, we can be building up our souls and enriching our lives in order to have things to 'give' to others in friendship.  I love this.

I hope that you have a kindred friend, in whatever season of life you are in.  If you don't pray and ask God to bring someone into your life.  I think that if we learn to use our eyes to see opportunities to walk alongside someone, we'll begin to see the possibilities of friendships.

Let's talk in the comments.

Podcast Link - How To Be A Friend Worth Having  Sally, Sarah, and Joy Clarkson


Cheryl said...

I need to order this book! As I near the end of homeschooling and move on to the next phase of my life, I have been thinking about the need to be intentional about cultivating the friendships of other women. It seems that I have often been friends with women who have children at the same stage that mine were in . . . co-op moms, moms of the kids in the homeschool choir, moms of the kids in my daughter's gymnastics class, moms of our book club students, etc. But as those opportunities end, I am going to have to be more intentional about friendship. I have been pondering and considering what that will look like. Perhaps this book can offer some ideas . . .

I agree with you about online friendships. They are real.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yep, they are real! We met online in 2011 and are still kindreds! I agree about needing to be intentional about friendships, especially as the seasons of our lives change!

Linda said...

God is good! I have discovered God is extremely creative in providing us with kindred spirits to walk with us in the seasons of our life. Sometimes we have more than we do at other times but I know God has always given me someone. I’m thankful God gave me you.....

Buttercup said...

The book sounds great. I don't have siblings, so my cousins and my friends are my family and I am so grateful for them. I include my blog friends in my extended family. I didn't dream when I started blogging what blessings I would be given in friendship.

Elizabethd said...

A true friend is such a gift. The older I get the more I appreciate that. And friends are not only the ones who live nearby, but are all over the world, amazingly!

Vee said...

Intentional friendships...what a concept and I really like the idea of using down time (much as I consider these isolating winter days) as a way to build one’s own experience in order to have something to share.

podso said...

I need to look at this book, I've hear you mention it and others as well. God has blessed me with friendships, but you do have to work at friendships--be intentional, reach out, put others first, look at meeting their needs rather than wanting them to meet your needs, etc. etc. I am reaching a new stage of life again with retirement and right now is a time of transition and feeling a little strange. I know God will lead me to the next thing He has for me, and for me to do!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I’m so grateful to know you Linda!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I agree Carol!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes, so wonderful!

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...